A chat with the educator
Renata Magri Runho
This week’s editorial, "Legalizing
Marijuan: foolish"
examines the proposal under
discussion in the Human
Rights Commission of the
Senate whose purpose is to
allow the sale of marijuana
in Brazil. The editorial
asks: What is the purpose of
such a proposal?
The educator Renata Magri
Runho is our interviewee
this week. Psychologist and
spiritist for 20 years, she
works at the Portal of Light
Spiritist Center of
Araraquara-SP, as an
educator and coordinator of
the team of evangelists. In
her interview with us,
Renata gives us important
evidence about the use of
art in spiritist education
of children and youth.
The Special of the week,
authored by Guaraci de Lima
Silveira, titled "What
will be next?", examines
the theme of human survival
after bodily death, and
which, according to the
Spiritist teachings awaits
us upon our return to the
spiritual homeland. The
article, along with the
interview of the week, is
one of the highlights of
this edition.
Christina Nunes, in a
special article, introduces
us to the important work
being done by the FEIC -
Spiritist Fraternity Irmãos
de Cascais, located at
Estrada do Pau Ferro, No.
1344, in the Freguesia
neighborhood of Jacarepaguá.
The article is also one of
the highlights of this
On a day like yesterday -
November 1st -
Euripides Barsanulfo passed
away at the age of 38. He
was surnamed the Apostle of
the Triangulo Mineiro. A
native of Sacramento-MG,
Barsanulfo was born on May 1st,
1880 and died in 1918. A
well regarded medium, with
various degrees, he was also
an educator and journalist.
We owe him the foundation of
the Spirtistit Group Hope
and Charity in 1905, and the
creation of the first
Brazilian institution with
spiritist guidance, the
School Allan Kardec founded
in Sacramento in 1907.