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Year 8 - N° 388 - November 9, 2014

Brasília, DF (Brasil)


Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br


Jorge Leite de Oliveira

Laying on of hands: Basic guidelines

"Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, and raise the dead, cast out devils: freely you have received, freely you give"- Jesus (Matthew 10: 8.).

What is the laying on of hands? The Portuguese Dictionaries Aurelius and Houaiss define this term. In Aurelius the laying on of hands is considered "a Spiritual movement of the hands or breath on someone and this is supposed to transmit energy". In Houaiss, the laying on of hands is regarded as the "act of passing one's hands repeatedly over or in front of the person to magnetize or heal by the use of the psychic power". 

Jacob Melo (1992) informs us that Kardec defines the laying on of hands as a psychic kind that "consists mainly in the gift that certain people have to heal by a simple touch, look, or even a gesture, without the aid of any medication" (KARDEC, 2009, Chapter XIV, page 274). It can also be passed on by magnetizers. In this case, the laying on of hands is given without the mediation of the Spirits, according to Kardec.

The Spirit Emmanuel, after stating that for the laying on of hands to be effective it has to manifest the greatest trust, not only regarding the one who performs the laying on of hands, but also regarding the person who receives the fluids, and ends by saying "the laying on of hands is the transmission of a psychic and spiritual strength, and there is no need for any physical contact while it is applied" (Xavier, 2013, question 99, page 71). In this article, we will only discuss the laying on of hands, accompanied by prayer.

The Spirit Emmanuel guides us about the importance of removing from our body the influences originated from a negative spiritual state. Chico Xavier's spiritual guide explains that it is through the material and spiritual therapy that we will achieve real cure. Our body is formed by an extensive universe of cells, microscopic beings that are influenced by our thoughts. Emmanuel says:

Dedicate yourself to your own cure, but do not forget the preaching of the Divine Kingdom to your organs. They are alive and are teachable. If your mind is not cleansed and your will does not command the vessel of your body towards goodness, human medicines will be almost useless. (Xavier, 1973, page 18,  Apud MOURA, 2013, page 14).  

Purpose of the laying on of hands according to Spiritism  

The laying on of the hands, together with prayer, is a powerful means of healing, where healing magnetism is used. According to Allan Kardec,  


The power of faith acts direct and especially on man's magnetism and, through it, man acts on the fluid, a universal agent, modifies its qualities giving it an irresistible power of impulsion. That is why a creature endowed with a great fluidic power is able to operate these natural cures and other phenomena, formerly considered prodigies. They are a consequence of a natural law, combined and strengthened by an ardent faith. This is the reason why Jesus told his Apostles: if you did not cure him, it is because you had no faith. (KARDEC, 2008, Chapter 19, item 5).


The purpose of the laying on of the hands is to provide the person, who receives it, with the "organic, psychic, perispiritual, and spiritual rebalancing" (MELO, 1992, page 38). For the one who applies the laying on of the hands, and is here considered a psychic/medium, this is  a sacred opportunity to practice charity in its pureness, if the person carries in his heart the true Christian spirit, not to mention the blessing of being able to be in the company of the good Spirits that with affection, care, love, understanding and humbleness use our still limited powers in benefit of others and ourselves. (MELO, 1992, page 40).  

Several examples of laying on of hands found in the New Testament 

The most common laying on of hands is through the imposition of the hands and it is not a privilege of Spiritism. Any person endowed with the desire to help others heal from an organic or spiritual imbalance can lay hands a few inches over the head of someone and pray for their benefit. But for it to really be beneficial, the laying on of hands depends on the high moral condition of the person who transmits it, together with the basic knowledge about the transmission of magnetic fluid. The cure depends on the worthiness and faith of the one who receives the laying on of hands and the prayer.

In the New Testament we have many examples of spiritual cures and treatments through the laying on of hands, as in this case:

And at sunset, all those who were sick with various diseases were brought to Him and laying on His hands on each one of them, He healed them. And demons also came out from many, crying out and saying, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of God". And He, rebuking them, did not allow them to speak, because they knew that He was the Christ. (Luke, 4:40 to 41).  

In this mentioned case, Jesus only had to lay on His hands on the sick and obsessed to cure them.

The Evangelist Mark tells us about two cases in which Jesus cured by using several fluid-therapeutic procedures. In the first case, Jairus, one of the main members of the synagogue, knelt at His feet and pleaded for Christ to cure his dying daughter. Jesus went with Jairus and a great multitude accompanied them. He was then touched by a woman who had been bleeding for twelve years and she was cured instantly. Feeling her touch, the Lord asked who had touched Him and the woman also "knelt at His feet and told Him the whole truth". Jesus then said to her: [...] your faith cured you; go in peace and be cured of this illness". (Mark, 5:33 to 34).

The laying on of hands must be discreet and without ritualism  

While walking to Jairus' house, they received the information that his daughter had died, but Jesus said that the girl was not dead, surprising everybody and causing laughter. When they arrived the Lord, accompanied by them, entered the room where the girl was lying, took her hand and said, "Talita cumi, which means, "Girl, I say unto thee, get up. And the girl got up at once, and walked because she was twelve years old, and they were all astonished" (Mark, 5:41 to 42).

According to Melo (2007, page 268), in the Spiritist Center, when the laying on of hands is given at a public meeting, or, we add, when they are meant for them, the Spiritual Mentors "knowing the needs of the visitors and the conditions of the environment", use beneficial spiritual fluids to help the goers according to "their needs and levels of reception". 

It is very important that the Spiritist Centre periodically selects and capacitates its "workers, which have the appropriate profile for this task, with Evangelical doctrinal knowledge, emotional maturity, good judgment, kindness, joy, warmth, naturalness and reliability." In addition, the worker must "strive to maintain in his life an environment of high vibrations through prayer, study and a constant effort to improve morally", since "all those who donate magnetic-spiritual energy are considered psychics/mediums, because they operate under the protection and guidance of the staff of disembodied workers", as stated in the manual "Guidance for the Spiritual Center", published by the Brazilian Spiritist Federation (MOURA, 2013, pages 123 to 124).

According to Moura (2013, page 124), the donation of "spiritual-magnetic energy" by the laying on of hands, must be discreet, without much movement without ritualism and tics. "Remember when laying on of hands, there is no need for abrupt gestures, heavy breathing or constant yawning, and that not always, when the laying on of hands occurs, is there the need of a direct touch on the patient".  (VIEIRA, 2006, page 102. Apud MOURA, 2013, page 124). 

The one who works with the laying on of hands has no need to receive it  

The best place for the laying on of hands is the Spiritist Center, this considering the preparation of the Center by the Spiritual Benefactors in charge of that task and present on the days and times scheduled for this purpose. The laying on of hands should never take place if the worker is "in a state of trance", because the Spirits in charge act by using the magnetic fluids of the environment and of the psychic/medium, with no need to manifest themselves otherwise.

The psychic/medium, and the person who is there to receive the laying on of hands, must be present from the beginning to "the lectures, meetings or doctrinal study, which usually precede the work of the laying on of hands" (MOURA, 2013, page 125).  

There are also several important recommendations in the mentioned works, other books and manuals that deal with this important issue, such as that before the laying on of hands, one must be spiritually prepared through prayer, seeking thereby to be tuned with the spiritual benefactors".

The psychic/medium, who works with the laying on of hands, must not receive it at the end of the work, because his/her energies are replaced by the Spiritual Benefactors. Unless the worker feels a little sick "after the laying on of hands", and feels weak, or feels pains, then it is "advisable to evaluate the causes that originate this state and try to correct them".  (MOURA, 2013, pages 125 to 126).

Finally, people who use "toxic substances" as "alcohol, tobacco, psychotropics, and so on", as well as those who are emotionally unbalanced or mentally ill or under medical treatment cannot work on the laying on of hands. (MOURA, 2013, page 126). Do not make of the laying on of hands an unnecessary habit because it should only be received by those who are actually with some organic, mental or spiritual problem.


Kardec, Allan. The Gospel According to Spiritism. Translated by Evandro Bezerra Noleto. Rio de Janeiro: Brazilian Spiritist Federation, 2008.

______. The Book of Mediums. Translation of Evandro Bezerra Noleto. Rio de Janeiro: Brazilian Spiritist Federation, 2009.

Brazilian Spiritist Federation. Guidance to the Spiritual Center. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 2007.

MELO, Jacob. The laying on of hands: its study, techniques, and practice. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 1992.

______. Heal yourself by laying on of hands: knowing and using our curative power. 9. ed. Natal, RN: Premius Publisher; Life & Saber 2008.

Moura, Marta Antunes, Spiritual care during the laying on of hands. Coord. Brasilia: FEB, 2013.

VIEIRA, Waldo. Spiritist behavior. By the Spirit Andre Luiz. 30. ed. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 2006.

XAVIER, Francisco Candido. The Comforter. 29th ed. Brasilia: FEB, 2013. 


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