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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 8 - N° 389 - November 16, 2014

Johnny Silveira - silveirajohnny@yahoo.com


True Treasures


Luke was a boy who was constantly discontented with life. From a poor but loving family, he felt inferior to his classmates who had better resources than he had.

One day he came home sad and distressed. At the time of the prayer they said together every week - the Gospel at Home - Luke was grumpy and disheartened.

After reading a passage from the Gospel, in which Jesus spoke about the need to do good to others, each one gave their opinion. When it was his turn, Luke said full of anger:

- Talk is cheap! How can we do charity if we have nothing? We are the ones who need charity from people! ... At least on Children's Day I would like to receive a gift!

His mother listened to him and then, seriously, explained:

- I know, dear. But, how can you say we have nothing? Do we lack food at home? Are you and your brothers unclothed or barefoot? Don’t you have your school books and materials?

His two brothers, Joseph and Marc, shook their head, agreeing.

- I'm not talking about those every day things, Mom. I would like hang out with my classmates, get new clothes, travel... get it? My friends always tell me what they did over the weekend; I keep quiet because I never have anything to tell. We are poor! - Luke responded, hanging his head.

His father, who had remained silent, considered:

- How can you say we have nothing, Luke? We have things that are much more important and true which we have received from God to administer!

- What, for example, Dad? - asked the angry boy.

- The administrator is not only the one who cares for material goods such as money and authority. He is also the one that takes care of the resources entrusted to him by God, such as a perfect body, health, being able to work, the capacity to learn, true friends, his home and, undoubtedly, the time we have at our disposal. Aren’t all of these things treasures that God gives us? ...

- That’s true, Dad. But I was referring to the things that I would like to have and I don’t have.

The father smiled slightly and noted:

- I know, son. But do your classmates have all of these gifts? Think about it! Are all of them well? Are they at peace?

The boy thought about his classmates and remembered:

- Well. Victor got a skateboard and hurt himself, breaking his leg which is now in a cast. Fernando's father, who owns a big company, is broke and is going to close it, that’s I have heard. Tito and his family were traveling this week and had an accident; Fortunately, they seem to be fine. Ah, Melina! She told me that her parents are separating ... Felix has a brother who has a disability and cannot learn! Hugo...

His father, who listened in silence, considered:

- Do you see how important these values are? Health, family togetherness, using well the resources we have, among other things... Do you understand?

Luke nodded, agreeing with his father:

- That’s true, Dad! I had not thought of that. We have less money but we lack nothing. We are well, healthy, we have intelligence to learn and study, we have a real home and we love each other.

Luke stood up and embraced his father, mother and two brothers.

Right then, moved, his father invited everyone to say the final prayer, which Luke was keen to do:

- Lord Jesus, we thank you for all we have received in our lives. Especially for today and for our meeting. I realize now how fortunate we are here at home. Bless all our relatives, classmates and friends, and Dad’s job, which gives us the means to live well. So be it!

When he finished the prayer, everyone was happy, and Luke added:

- I am proud to belong to this family! Thank you, Dad. Thanks, Mom! And, thinking about the text we read, I remembered that we can do charity to others through our actions, affection, attention, and a friendly word.

His father smiled and agreed:

- That's right, son. We do not need money to help people. All we need is good will and a desire to serve.

Then he stopped talking and smiled:

- I forgot that I have a surprise to tell you today. Do you know what? I got a raise and I thought we could travel to your grandparents’ home. What do you think?

Everyone jumped for joy! The boys loved to visit their grandparents, who would also be happy to be able to see them.

- That’s great! It will be our Children's Day present!

That night everyone slept well, especially Luke, who was grateful to God for all he had been given. 


(Psychographed by Celia X. de Camargo on 28/07/14.)



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