Correct behavior:
correct thought
It is something known in spirit midst that there are three factors that determine the progress of a person in its evolutionary process towards the goal that God pointed to his creatures, that is perfection: good deeds, good thoughts, good feelings.
When someone starts in Spiritism and has noted that information, there is a common doubt about it: - What, the aforementioned factors, is the most important? Feelings, thoughts, or actions?
In practical terms, it seems that, as with certain operations objects of study of math, the order of the factors does not change the result. However, at least one author states the prevalence of the acts, conduct, behavior, ensuring that it is the right conduct which supports the right thought.
It is said by André Luiz, who in chapter XXV of his book Mechanisms of Mediumship, psychographic work by the medium Francisco Cândido Xavier, it stresses the importance of vigilance about what we do and the care that we have to maintain the right conduct, that right is also our thinking. Armed with that – having a properly balanced thinking - prayer, whatever our degree of intellectual culture, it will be the highest ringing induction so that we place ourselves in communion regime with the Supreme Spheres.
It is likely that this fact is the explanation of the difficulty that some people have with regard to prayer, when mentally disturbed.
In many cases, they say they cannot even pray, what may be the result of misconduct, to generate an unbalanced thinking and, as a result, difficulty of concentrating and praying.
If, however, the creature is able to maintain a high standard in their conduct, their thinking will also be high and therefore the prayer will flow naturally, establishing communion with the Invisible Powers that makes us so well.
Commenting on the matter, André Luiz says: "The mind centered in prayer can be compared to a stellar flower, open before the Infinite, absorbing the nutrient dew of life and light. Coupled with the hygiene of the spirit, prayer is the switch of the mental chains, throwing them to the sublimation". (Mechanisms of Mediumship, Chapter XXV, page 163 and 164.)
In the special "In defense of woman", published in this same issue, Altamirando Carneiro talks about woman's role in the world in which we live and reminds us that, within the spirit labors, she occupies the same space as men, with equal facility, and develops, as we know, a job of great amplitude in the exemplification and dissemination of the teachings of Jesus.
Moreover, the woman is in charge of a multitude of tasks and obligations that are not always seen and recognized, as it is shown, to perfection, the video posted on the Internet with the suggestive title "The Invisible Woman". Here is the link:
As the text to which we refer, men and women perform many things that nobody sees and therefore ignores. But God surely sees them, and we shall be satisfied.