A planet surrounded
by shadows
It is common sense that to solve a given problem it is first necessary to recognize that the problem exists. This principle is applicable to all situations or at least to most of them. In fact, if we ignore the existence of a particular problem, how can we equate it and thereby solve it?
In the comments that are read in the spirit field about the advent of World Regeneration, it seems that it is ignored that there are factors and difficulties that must be removed, so that the planet gets to experience happier times.
In a recent meeting of the National Federative Council, in Brasília (DF), Dr. Bezerra de Menezes, in a psychophony message conveyed by Divaldo Franco, alerted to this fact:
“Our beloved planet, still in shadow, remains in its category of inferiority, because we, those that we link it in, we are still lower, and as it operates our moral transformation for the better, under the aegis of Jesus, our model and guide, dense shadows are being cleared for the glad tidings of light and peace reach the climax in a time not so far.”
The problem was clearly posed by known Spiritual benefactor: our planet is still "in shadow" because we inhabit that "we are still lower."
Perfect analysis!
As a result of the diagnosis, we can then deduce that the Earth will live better days and happier when we, the creatures that live in it, climb a more advanced degree in evolution. The problem solution therefore requires moral progress, spiritual evolution, transformation of the "old man" who still lives in us.
As an important part of the recipe to achieve this goal, Dr. Bezerra proposed in the message that we report:
"Blessed you are servants! Blessed servants of the Cause! Love! Love with selflessness and spirit of service the Doctrine of Sanctification that your names are written in the Kingdom of Heaven’s book and you may enjoy the joys, concluding step as the Apostle of the Gentiles, after ye have fought the good fight. [...] The world needs Jesus, today more than yesterday, more than in the past, because we are the way of intuition, after the conquest of reason, to maintain full harmony with Him who is our guide to all day and every hour."
Can we thus put an end to wars, crime, violence, corruption, inequality and prejudice?
We hope so; or at least we have taken a big step in that direction.