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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 8 - N° 398 - January 25, 2015

Johnny Silveira - silveirajohnny@yahoo.com


The Worth Of A Candle


Eight year-old Johnny, a smart kid with a good heart, heard someone say that we all should help each other, and deep inside himself, a great desire to do good to others began to overcome him.

However, Johnny did not know how. As he did not have anything that was really his, he asked his mother to give him some things he could share with his friends: objects, fruit and candy.

On that day, especially, Johnny had nothing to do. It was cloudy and the rain soon began to fall heavily, amid thunder and lightning. Then his mother considered:

- Honey, I approve of your desire to help people. However, for it to be a gesture that is really yours, we need you to give away what actually belongs to you.

The boy became thoughtful and said:

- But then, what can I give, Mom?

- A piece of clothing, a pair of shoes, a toy, a book ... Even the sweets and candies that you get from your grandparents!

The boy's eyes widened in surprise, then he replied:

- But those are mine!...

- Absolutely, honey. But we have to do good by donating what belongs to us; if you give away what is mine, for example, I am the one doing charity, not you. Get it?

Johnny thought ... thought ... and said:

- Mom, but I have almost nothing!... How can I help people then?

The mother felt sorry her for son and embraced him with love:

- Johnny, there's a lot we can do which costs us nothing and that is light in people's lives. An example of this is the Sun that every day, with its light, illuminates all the people around the world, wherever they are. But we have smaller examples...

- Yes, Mom! The street lights that at night lighten the cities! The lamps we have in our house - continued the excited boy.

- That's right, Johnny.

As if on purpose, everything went dark. And the kind mother continued:

- But there is a light of great value that comes when there is a blackout in stormy days, like today, and it is represented by a humble candle, which lights the house and helps us whenever it is necessary. It is so small, costs almost nothing, but its value is immense when we are in the darkness. It give us peace, joy, comfort to our hearts and drives out fear.

Johnny listened to his mother talk, surprised and moved. She came back with a candle in her hand, took a match and lit it. The boy said:

- That’s true, Mom. On second thought, I want to be like a candle, which is weak, but when necessary, illuminates everything! I get now what you meant. That if we do not have money to donate, we can help in other ways. But how? The candle illuminates, but I have no light! ...

His mother smiled and said:

- But you have good will, which is fundamental. So

think: if someone is sad, how can you help them?  

- Putting joy in their heart!

- That's right, dear! What if a classmate does not know how to do the homework?

- I can help them!

- If someone is thirsty?

- I can give them a glass of water.

His mom laughed and embraced him fondly:

- See how easy it is, honey? To help is to aid people in their difficulties. Which often costs nothing. This does not prevent you from donating the things you no longer use, the books you've already read, the toys that you do not play with anymore, the clothes that no longer fit you... And a lot of other things.

And from that day on Johnny changed before everybody’s eyes. If a friend would take a tumble and get hurt, he would run to help and console them. If a neighbor needed to pick up weed from the garden, Johnny would volunteer, full of goodwill. If his mother was overwhelmed with the housework, he would sweep the backyard, take care of the dog and would even give it a nice bath.

Thus, Johnny learned that it does not matter if the light is big or small. It will always have value for what it can accomplish. Like him, who was small but full of good will, it could help many people.

Soon Johnny was the most liked boy of the street where he lived. 


(Psychographed by Celia X. de Camargo on 20/10/2014.) 



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