Rubens José de Toledo tells
us how it is going to be the
Spirit Congress in São Paulo
“A voice that can change the
world” is the title of this
week editorial, which tells
about the work and proposals
of Avaaz, a transactional
community whose mission is
to mobilize people from all
countries to build a bridge
between the world we live in
and the world we want.
In an interviewed given to
our collaborator Orson Peter
Carrara, Rubens José de
Toledo, Social Communication
Director from USE – Union of
Spirit Society from State of
São Paulo, says how it is
going to be the Spirit
Congress in São Paulo,
schedule to April 2015, in
Santos. The interview is one
of the highlights of the
present issue.
Another highlight is the
special titled “We are for
peace”, written by Vinícius
Lima Lousada, from bento
Gonçalves (RS), in which he
talks about terrorism acts
happened last month in
Paris, France, cradle of
enlightenment thought and
human and citizens' rights.
It happens during carnival
period the 19th
edition of CONMEL that puts
together young adult spirits
in Londrina and region while
Momo celebrations. It is
opened to young adult
spirits between ages from 12
to 21 years old the meeting
is going to happen this year
in Apucarana city.
In a day as today, –
February 8th – it
was born in 1891, in
Palmares city (PE), João
Pinto de Souza, who created
in 1937 Spiritualist Hour,
the first spirit program
regularly presented in
Brazil through radio. The
debut happened at Fluminense
Society Radio – PRE-6.