It always sows... that is
what matters
It derived from the Latin word seminare, sow means lie or spread seeds to germinate and that, figuratively, spread, disclose, post.
Jesus took advantage of this verb to tell us an interesting parable - the well-known parable of the sower.
A man went out to sow, Jesus said.
In the course of his work, some seeds fell along the path and the birds came and ate them.
Some fell on rocky ground where it had little soil, but the seeds soon sprouted. However, as they did not have roots, because lacked depth the land where they had fallen, the sun burned them and they dried.
Other seeds fell among thorns and these growing drowned them.
Another part finally fell on good soil and produced fruit, giving some seeds a hundredfold, some sixty, and some thirty.
Following his speech, as it is reported in chap. XIII of the Gospel according to Matthew, Jesus himself explained the parable.
Commenting on the subject, Allan Kardec says the Parable of the Sower perfectly expresses the existing nuances in the way of using the teachings of the Gospel.
There are people - says Kardec - for which he is but a dead letter and that, as it fallen seed over boulders, it gives no fruit. Spiritualists would escape such a rule?
Let's see what the Encoder of Spiritism wrote:
No less fair application finds it in different spirit categories. They don’t find themselves symbolized in it the only undermine the material phenomena and any consequence take about them because most of them do not see more than curious facts? Those who only care about the bright side of communications of spirits, in which it only interested them when it satisfies their imagination, and that, after they have heard it, they are preserved as cold and indifferent as they were? Those who recognize the very good advice and admire them, but to be applied to the other and not to themselves? Those ultimately for which these instructions are like the seed that falls on good ground and bears fruit? (The Gospel According to Spiritism, chap. XVII, item 6)
It is exactly for this purpose - to sow, spread, disclose the lessons of the Gospel - the spiritualists of the São Paulo city of Rio Claro are planning an important event due to in May this year, as it explained in the interview given to us by the confrere Valdinei Costa Prochnow, from Spiritual Center Fraternity and the Spiritist Home Espiridião Prado, located in Rio Claro (SP). The interview is one of the highlights of this edition.
Event’s name: SOW.
This year's theme: "Jesus, the joy of living."
Objective: Disseminate Jesus’ teachings through spiritual doctrine.
Ideas like that makes reaching to the general public the spirit teachings and lessons contained in the Gospel, explained in the light of the spiritual doctrine.
In many cities the spiritual movement gained momentum and has become respected exactly due to events like this, which they should multiply where this was possible because, as we know, the contemporary society has everything to gain by observing the instructions that the spiritual benefactors have brought us incessantly about life and goals of our passage through this world.
Sowing is always no doubt what matters.
Harvesting is merely a consequence.