Gospel: brotherhood
and peace
The phrase in the title of this text is the subject of III Spirit Congress of the Federal District, to be held on April 17th to 19th. (About the event, read the interview with Paulo Maia da Costa, who is one of the highlights of this edition.)
It could not have been a better choice.
In fact, the moments that we experience in Brazil and elsewhere indicates clearly that we must have greater attention to the presented lessons in the Gospel, introducing them in conversation and family habits, if we want the ideal of brotherhood and peace will one day be reality in the world in which we live.
In item 12 of the chapter XIII of The Gospel According to Spiritism, Allan Kardec, an important message is signed by the Spirit of St. Vincent de Paul, which it is extracted the excerpt below:
“I wish that people had given more interest, more faith to the Gospel readings. It is despised, however, this book, considered the repository of hollow words, a sealed letter; leave by the wayside this admirable code.
Your calamities come all the voluntary abandonment that you voted this summary of the divine laws. Read to him the glittering pages of Jesus’ devotion, and ponder them." - St. Vincent de Paul (Spirit).
This warning certainly influenced the encoder of the spiritual doctrine when, after having published the first edition of the work above, answered an interesting question raised by readers about prayer indicated for morning and evening prayers; a practice suggested in the same book by Spirit of Monod.
According to Kardec, many subscribers of the Spirit Magazine wrote to him to say they did not have found in the book The Gospel According to Spiritism indicating the special prayer to be said in the morning and night.
The prayer suggested by Kardec was known The Lord's Prayer, he recommended expressly as the most suitable for the morning and night prayers.
Following his answer, the encoder then suggested that once a week - for example, on Sunday - it may be earmarked a longer time to prayer, adding to that the reading of some passages of the Gospel and some good instructions dictated by the spirits. (See Spirit Magazine, 1864, p. 234)
This Kardec’s suggestion was, as we know, the embryo in the spirit field called the Cult of the Gospel at home, or simply Gospel at home, a practice that was introduced in the Christian community by Jesus, as Neio Lucius tells in chapter 1 of the book Jesus at Home, psychic work psychographic by Francisco Cândido Xavier. The report of Neio Lucius, previously published in this journal can be viewed by clicking on: http://www.oconsolador.com.br/ano6/299/correiomediunico.html/.
At the end of the text written by Neio Lúcio, Jesus justified with an enormous distinctness the reason that the Gospel cannot be apart from talking from who life in the world. Here it is according to what it was said, words said by Jesus:
“Domestic crib is the first school and the first temple of the soul. A man's house is the legitimate exporter of characters to the common life. If the dealer selects the goods, if the carpenter cannot make a boat without fond wood for its purposes, how waits a safe and peaceful community without the home getting perfect? World peace begins under the tiles where we welcome. If you do not learn to live in peace, behind closed doors, how await the harmony of nations? If we do not get used to love the closest brother, associated with our everyday fight, how to respect the Eternal Father which seems far?" (Jesus at Home, Neio Lucius, chapter 1.)
Accept the proposal, Jesus invited Apostle Peter’s relatives to the uplifting lecture and to the high meditation, he explicated the wisdom writings and opened at his dear pupil’s house the first Christian cult at home on Earth.
Before this fact and many manifestations about the importance of Gospel and its relevance in life, will we keep unconcerned to it?