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Year 9 - N° 415 - May 24, 2015

Muriaé, Minas Gerais (Brasil)


Eleni Frangatos - eleni.moreira@uol.com.br


Rogério Coelho

Renewal with Jesus

 Every obsession is based on reciprocity

“Renewal with Jesus is a rebuilding of life for the benefit of all lives”.  Euripedes Barsanulfo.

the many eternal lessons taught by the Gentle-Shepard - two millennia ago one of them stands out in a stunning way, the Law of Love.

The wild fields of Souls will only be renewed and become fertile land when we decide for the unconditional and full adoption of this Greater Law, which is the law of non-violence, of softness, gentleness, serenity, persuasion, meekness, and sweetness… This Law should apply to all areas in our lives, but it becomes most important in the area of obsessions, since it is an essential factor to free the shackles that imprison and bind executioners and victims together.

According to Aulus, every obsession is based on reciprocity. 

The Law of Love and its corollaries will at all times not only act as an effective therapy in addressing the bitter and confusing obsessive dramas, but also as an excellent prevention, and a spiritual cleansing factor.

The Spiritual Benefactors, through specialized books, which complement the Doctrine works, have already broadly evidenced the need to use moderation in the treatment and eradication of obsessive bonds, where the painful ties of hatred cannot be cut in any manner, but they must be treated and untied with the cotton wool of mercy and love. 

There are cases of obsession that go through millennia of damaging psychological interaction, intensely hurting both parties involved in a harmful dispute. These cases will not be solved satisfactorily with a “magic” stroke. There has to be patience, sound judgment, insight, knowledge and great love…

One needs to have the perfect knowledge of the entire story, which is disclosed during the weekly meetings. When he becomes aware of what happened, only then can the spiritual counselor arrive to the precise point of the matter that caused all future reactions.

In the book Between Earth and Heaven, from the Andre Luiz series, and psychographic by Chico Xavier, we find a typical example of an obsession treatment held according to spiritist rules: Odila, disembodied, tormented Zulmira, still embodied. 

A woman is always a mother…

The tormented Spirit imagined that the other one had taken her place in the heart of Amaro, and by malicious and arbitrary negligence allowed her son to drown. The hatred was very deep, full, and the disembodied fed this hatred with all her energy.

Due to the constant
irradiation of hatred emanating from Odila, Zulmira’s health was becoming weaker by the day.

Let us follow the outcome of this obsession recorded at the end of chapter twenty three of the mentioned book and notice the way the loving Mentor used love, gentleness, affection with Clara, guiding her tormented Spirit to inner peace with Jesus:

"Do not talk to me like that!" she said with evident signs of distress. "I hate the infamous that took my happiness…”

- "Odila, think! Do you forget that a woman is always a mother? The tomb will not give back the body that the earth has eaten, and, if you wish to recover the tenderness and trust of the man you left behind, you need to love him with the Spirit. Change your heart’s impulses! Do not think that Amaro will want you upset in the way you are now, hurt by the poised barbs of spite, if he suddenly arrived between us…"

"She killed my son ...!"

"How can you prove such an accusation?"

"The intruder envied his position in the affection of Amaro."

- "Yes" – Clara agreed, affectionately, "I do admit that Zulmira behaved like this. She has no experience. Moreover, ignorance while we linger on Earth can prevent us from seeing, but it would not be fair, only because of that, to consider her responsible for the death of the little one… Think! The true and fraternal feeling will help you to consider the one who took your place in your home like a daughter that could accept your love and guidance...

of forging an enemy in a sinister anvil of cruelty, you shall build a noble and sincere edification to enlighten your life. By removing the light of your love from the flames and hell of your jealousy, in which you are now by your own will, you will become an inspiration and a blessing for your loved man and for the daughter that asks for your assistance!...”

Revenge blinds one’s eyes, and freezes one’s heart

Odila, almost convinced, just cried, and the Messenger stroked her hair, adding: - "I know that you also suffer like a tormented mother. However, remember that our children belong to God and if death reaped the child that you love, separating it from you, it is because it is the Divine Will that determined the distance..."

The Messenger stroke her head, giving us the impression that she submitted her to a magnetic operation…After a while, when we just heard an already changed Odila sobbing, the venerable friend said: "Why do you not decide to clear your own path, so that you meet again your angel and hold him again in your harms, instead of devoting yourself with no use to a revenge that blinds you and freezes your heart?”.

Clara certainly reached the sensitive spot of that troubled soul, because the unfortunate mother, like as if casting out all her suffering, shouted like a beast in pain with the jugular cut: "My son... my son!...” And her convulsive weeping became more distressed, more touching...

The Emissary of the Good hugged her and, with a motherly love, said: "Rejoice, dear sister! Great is your happiness! You can help and this is the greatest happiness! Nothing prevents you from helping your companion of this human experience. It is within your reach and only a prayer of pure love is needed, and your understanding and pity, to overcome the distance between your suffering and your beloved little boy! I wait for twenty-two centuries for a moment like this for my stressed and longing heart, because the ones I love have not yet come forward!... Clara’s voice was full of tears.

Taken by the spiritual vibration of the Messenger of Heaven, Odila clung to her, crying a lot, while the instructor repeated with a maternal solicitude: - "Come on, my daughter! Let us go and look for our renewal with Jesus! 

To separate a spiritual obsessor from an embodied obsessed can lead to death

Clara helped her out, holding her to her own chest.

Clarence then informed us: "Now Zulmira can recover. Her enemy withdrew without violence, which would damage her mental area."

We must notice that the one, who works with obsession treatments, must have the necessary qualifications to do this type of work. Besides the required capacity, he must wait for the ideal psychological moment to disconnect the antagonistic parties within the obsessive process.

We note that
the worker's lack of preparation often causes the intervention of the Spiritual Mentors in order to delay the disconnection of the victims of the obsessive process, so that a violent and hurtful disruption is avoided for both the embodied and the disembodied involved.

In chapter three, we have clear proof of this, when Hilary and Andre Luiz watched the evil action of Odila against Zulmira, and instinctively and innocently they approached the disembodied Entity to quickly remove her, but the kind Instructor stopped them saying: “violence does not help. The two are connected to each other. To separate them by force would be a disruption of unpredictable consequences. The exasperation of the disembodied woman would reflect intensively on Zulmira’s brain centers, and the syncope (1) could cause paralysis or even her death… This case is really touchy… We have to call someone, who already has enough love and understanding to talk to the creative power of renewal”. 

Obsession is based on reciprocity 

Let us now consider, for a better understanding of the topic (2) established between Aulus, the Mentor, and Hilary regarding another case of a terrible obsession, when the latter asks, distressed and perplexed: “Why don’t we separate the tormentor and the victim?”

- "Calm down, Hilary" – said the Assistant, “We have not yet examined the matter within its basic foundation. Every obsession is based on reciprocity. Let us remember our Divine Master’s teachings. It is not enough to pluck the weeds. We have to know to what point the roots of the weed and the grain are joined, so that we do not have to destroy one and the other. There is no pain without a reason. Let us follow the law of cooperation, however, without anticipating the Divine Justice”.

Hilary asks again: - “However, to help these brothers in despair, are words enough?

The Mentor answers wisely: “We do not only use words, but above all our feeling. All words said with love are like a projection of us. Therefore, if it is definitely impossible for us to offer them a full prior freedom, we are, indeed, donating our good will, through our words that come from our hearts, also in need of a full redemption with Christ. 

Analyzing the past, to which all we are connected through bitter memories, we are also ill and in mutual assistance. It would not be permissible for us to believe we have the power to render final judgments for or against anyone because, in the position where we still are, we also have larger or smaller accounts to be settled… Regarding the fraternal care that he witnessed, not only the persecuting spirit, but the persecuted and ill spirit, both deserve equal affection”.

The Doctrine is very rich and full of varied teachings. Therefore, it is imperative to study continuously, and with discipline, so that the worker, trained for the subtle and difficult paths of the obsessive dramas, can really operate in a dignified, balanced, appropriate and effective manner for the blessed freedom of the victims and victimizers and definitive renewal of souls with Jesus. 


(1) Entry: Syncope - Medicine. Temporary loss of consciousness due to a poor cerebral blood perfusion, and change in the composition of the blood that irrigates the brain, or due to changes in the central nervous system activity pattern, caused by stimuli that arrive to that system. [Synonyms: lipothymy, fainting, hissy fit (pop.), tantrum, passing.]

(2) XAVIER, Francisco Candido. In the fields of Mediumship. 12th edition, Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 1983, chapter 23.


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