Who is our bigger opponent?
Interviewed by a TV channel connected to Globosat, a known poet, referring to his colleagues of the current generation, revealed to the reporter that one of them, now based in Minas Gerais, told him: "The poets hate each other."
The revelation does not constitute anything new because some time ago in an interview published in the newspaper O Estado de São Paulo, another important poet said: "In Brazil, which is so huge, poets are very isolated - and still speak badly of each other, further increasing this distance. Recently I was in Fortaleza, a city where the poets fight each other, hating each other. There are many places where poets from different groups never speak to each other, not even greet each other! The movement of poetry is therefore even more difficult."
We are talking about people who make poetry and, in many cases, make a life of poetry - not marginal serving time in some of our prisons!
The inferiority of the human being is something that should not obviously cause us any surprise, although it is difficult to understand, ruled out of the plurality of existences, why our world is so complicated and imperfect.
Indeed, if human creature emerges on the world stage and here lives once, it does not understand why God would have produced as troublemakers who only think of themselves, who have no limits on their ambitions and who seek success any price, even at the expense of others.
The Creator has not, however, any liability in the nonsense, the swindles, the evil that human beings, throughout history, have perpetrated. He has created us simple and ignorant, and it is precisely in view of the plurality of lives that we can gradually improve us, with a view to the goal He pointed to each of us, that is, perfection.
In the main work written by Allan Kardec, the Encoder of Spiritism he wrote:
“(...) the faults that we have committed by primary source imperfection of our own spirit, which has not won the high moral ground that one day, it will reach, but that by no means lacks free will. The bodily life is given to you to expunge of your imperfections through the trials which you pass, imperfections that precisely make you weaker and more accessible to the suggestions of other imperfect spirits, who take advantage of them to try to make you to succumb in fight in which you have engaged. If from this fight you are winner, you have risen if you fail, you remained who you are, nor worse, not better. It will be a proof that you must start again; it may be over a time spend in this alternative. The more you debug, the more decrease your weaknesses and the less access offers to those who seek to lure you into evil. In the reason of your elevation, it grows your moral strength, making you deviate from bad spirits.
All spirits, or so good, as embodied constitute the human species and how our world is one of the least developed, in it there are more of evil than of good spirits. This is the reason why we see so much wickedness there." (The Spirits' Book, item 872, final part) (The bold is ours.)
The information that there are more bad spirits instead of good can be checked at the following Works:
“Living incarnated in the Planet almost two billion of human individuals, it said the fellow that more than one billion consists by semi civilized or barbarian and people who are able to superior spirituality is no more than six million, divided by many continental families.” (Voltei, Brother Jacob, psychographic by Chico Xavier. The information is in the chapter “Recebendo explicações” from the year 1948) (the bold is ours)
“Certain hours of the night, three quarters of the population of each of the Earth's Crust hemispheres are found in the contact zones with us and the highest percentage of these body semi freed, by the natural influence of sleep, remain detained in low vibration circles which this where we move provisionally. Around here, it often forges painful dramas that unfold in the fields of human body. Great crimes have their springs in these places..." (Libertação, André Luiz, chapter 6, Observações e novidades, work psychographic by Chico Xavier. The region that the author referred is called in spirit terminology of darkness) (the bold is ours)
The explanation we read in the texts above has direct relation to the planet’s nature in which we live in and with its actual destination, which Spiritism reveals us in the following text:
"Spirits in expiation, if we can express this way, are exotic on Earth; they have lived in other worlds, where were excluded as a result of their obstinacy in evil and because they were in such worlds, the cause of disruption to the good. They had to be banished for a while, to the middle of latest Spirits, with the mission to make the latter move ahead, since they carry the developed intelligence and the knowledge germ they have acquired. Hence that spirits in punishment are within the most intelligent breeds. Therefore, for these races is that more bitterness is lining the misfortunes of life. It's because there are in them more sensitive, and therefore more proven by the setbacks and disappointments than the landraces, whose moral sense is found duller.
The Earth, therefore, offers one of the kinds of sacrificial worlds, whose variety is endless, but revealing all as a common character, serving as a place of exile for rebellious spirits to God's law. These spirits are there to fight at the same time, with the perversity of men and the inclemency of nature, double and hard work that simultaneously develops the qualities of the heart and intelligence. This is how God in his goodness, is that the punishment itself redound to the benefit of the progress of the Spirit." (The Gospel According to Spiritism, chap. III, items 14 to 15.)
We all have as it is seen a hard and long way beyond us, but our biggest opponent is ourselves, in other words, “the old man” who lives inside us, as the unforgettable Paulo de Tarso used to say.