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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 9 - N° 426 - August 9, 2015
Brasília, DF (Brasil)
Leonardo Rocha - l.rocha1989@gmail.com

Fabíola de Fátima Zanetti de Lima:

“There is growing interest in the science world and the wider society about the role of spirituality in the relation between health and illness”

The president of the Medical Spiritist Association of the Federal
District (AME-DF) in Brazil talks about the current stage of
research linking medicine and spirituality

Fabíola de Fátima Zanetti de Lima (photo), from the city of Nova Friburgo, in Rio de Janeiro state, lives in Brasília, where she began working as a volunteer at the Comunhão Espírita 26 years ago. She is a doctor and president of the Medical Spiritist Association of the Federal District. 

What led to the creation of AME-DF and where is it based? 

It was founded on March 19th 2007, after an invitation and lots of encouragement of the late doctor, Marlene Nobre, former president of the Brazilian Medical Spiritist Association. AME-DF is based in a room of the Comunhão Espírita, one of Brasília’s best-known Spiritist Centres. Its website is www.amedf.com.br. Our email is ame.distritofederal@gmail.com/facebook.  

What are the main goals of the organisation and its members? 

We follow the guidance and overall mission of the Medical Spiritist associations across the country, which is to bring the soul to medicine, in every sense of the word, through study and research. We also highlight the importance of human warmth and solidarity when we give support to patients. Many doctors and health workers, as well as professionals from other areas who have an interest in the link between health and spirituality take part in our weekly meetings. We are members of AME-Brasil, the nationwide umbrella organisation, which coordinates the medical Spiritist movement in the country. We respect its norms and work together for the same ideal.  

What is your assessment of the quality of the study and research in the field at this particular moment? 

There is growing interest in the science world and the wider society about the role of spirituality in the relation between health and illness. Many centres across the world are carrying out specific research in that field, looking for answers that cannot be found in the materialistic model of science. The medical Spiritist associations share the goal of helping establish a new paradigm of health, which takes into consideration human beings as a whole (body-mind-spirit). Through the science department of AME-Brasil, important articles have been published in science magazines proving, from a scientific perspective, points made by Spiritism. One of them, for example, concerns the importance of the pineal gland, which was revealed by André Luiz through the mediumship of Francisco Cândido Xavier in the1950s. More information about those issues can be obtained on the AME-Brasil website: www.amebrasil.org.br

What are the main challenges you are facing? 

I believe the main obstacle is scepticism from health professionals, who refuse to review what they learned in university even when faced with bigger and bigger demands in their area. The technological advancements of the past decades, as relevant as they are, have not been able to tackle all the problems regarding human suffering. 

What role do the AMEs play? What is their importance? 

They have an important role in encouraging doctors and other health professionals to study and research, reviewing their knowledge in the light a new paradigm provided to us by Spiritism. We have set up a joint unit in health units to look into spiritual healing, opening the door for future cooperation on issues like mediumship and immortality (focusing in near death experiences). 

What can be improved in the organisation of the medical Spiritist associations? 

I think we can do more on disseminating the scientific arm of Spiritism and all its implications. Also, we can look for better explanations for the illness process but, most of all, we should promote better overall health for all of us both by changing bad habits, as recommended by traditional medicine, and by understanding the importance of our thoughts and of keeping our emotions in balance. The big challenge for us now is to improve our knowledge in this are, encouraging a debate among health professionals and also in the wider society.

What is your final message to our readers?

I would like for the opportunity to show our work and say that my professional experience along these years and the new vision Spiritism has given me make me believe more and more in the potential human beings have to overcome their problems when they understand, accept and decide to follow the principles of God.


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