Our existences are like links
in the same chain
Many people, especially those who are having their first contact with the spirit doctrine, ask if in the succession of corporeal existences friends and family are reunited in the same plane that should develop their new tasks.
The answer is yes. We learned from Spiritism that our existences on Earth are like links in the same chain, so that we will find in the family, co-workers, friends, neighbors, former colleagues who again come together to give course to the reincarnation program in which we are in.
We have seen in this magazine in numerous texts, that the process of regeneration of spirits that deviate from the course requires the assistance of three factors: repentance, atonement and reparation.
So for reparation happens, it is essential that we meet again. It was not so, how can we give back to the person who we hurt what eventually we have subtracted from it?
The reunion has, in addition, other objectives. The atonement is one of them. There are cases where, because we had participation in someone's fall, we assume the committed to helping that person to rebuild itself.
In the spirit literature there are several reports that talk about it. One of them, and most significant, is the case of Mrs.AparecidaConceição Ferreira, the founder of Home of Charity, popularly known as the Wild Fire Hospital or Hospital of Pemphigus, Uberaba (MG), whose history can be seen through this link:http://www.fogoselvagem.org/
Nurse of the Apartment Sector of the Hole House of Mercy and specialized in the treatment of infectious disease, Mrs.Aparecida quit her job to accompany twelve victims of pemphigus foliaceus, also called wild fire. The year was 1958. With the bodies covered in bubbles, many of them turned into scabs, they had been discharged from the hospital without any prospect of cure. The direction had considered the treatment long and too expensive. Aparecida took them to her house.
At that time the disease was considered contagious, so the neighbors were afraid and her family too. Result: Mrs.Aparecida, was abandoned by the family, was left alone with her patients. Then it was born the embryo of the Home of Charity, today a national reference in the treatment of pemphigus foliaceus.
Of course, until it gets to the conditions that we know today, the fight was hard and required the help of many people. One was the late medium Chico Xavier, as Mrs.Aparecida made sure to tell everyone going to Uberaba, to visit the hospital she founded.
In 1960, the number of patients had reached 187. In 1961, it rose to 363. The construction of the hospital was no longer only a dream, but a necessity. The fight, therefore, was just beginning and with it came frequent and unreasonable charges, for example, the fallacy that Mrs. Aparecida made money at the expense of patients, rumor that multiplied as the works expanded.
One day, not bearing out so many injustices, she decided to stop. That's when Chico Xavier told her something that convinced her that stopping was something absolutely out of the question. In one of her past existences - told her the medium - Mrs. Aparecida had been responsible for the deaths of many "heretics" at the stake of the Inquisition. In the current existence, she rescued her debt and patients as well. Victims of wildfire, treated by her, had obeyed her orders and burned the bodies of those who fell under the claws of a sad memory process whose best-known victim was Joan of Arc.
The executioners then returned to the same material plan that they had failed and highlighting the wisdom of the Laws of God, it did not need anyone to send them to the fire, because they themselves didthe undergo a meticulous schedule in which Mrs. Aparecida was the central character.