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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 9 - N° 435 - October 11, 2015
Brasília, DF (Brasil)
Leonardo Rocha - l.rocha1989@gmail.com

Walter Barcelos: 

“It is worth working hard for the progress of Spiritism when you consider the impact it has on the development of human souls”

The well-known Spiritist writer, author of 10 Spiritist books, talks about his writing methods and the ideas behind his works 

Walter Barcelos (photo) was born in the city of Araxá but moved in 1969 to the neighbouring city of Uberaba, both in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. He was born in a Spiritist family and has attended regularly the activities of a Spiritist Centre since the age of four. He is the author of 10 Spiritist books, and they are the  main  subject  of 

this interview. 

What has motivated you to write Spiritist books? 

Initially I did not intend to write Spiritist books. I was really determined to write theoretical articles about Spiritism and get them published on the paper, “A Flama Espírita,” from Uberaba. The books come from the monthly publication of those articles. 

How was it writing your first Spiritist book? 

I have always appreciated the study of Spiritist books, which I began doing in 1967 in my hometown, Araxá. Well before I began writing, I had begun researching themes and issues in the light of Spiritism to understand them according to the scientific, philosophical and moral aspects of the Teachings. My first book written was “Sexo e Evolução” (Sex and Evolution). I spent 12 months organising on a notebook my research on sexuality, based on the writings of Allan Kardec and the Brazilian medium, Francisco Cândido Xavier. I initially prepared a textbook, which I typed around 1983. Then I began writing articles about this issue for “A Flama Espírita”. They were published every month for more than three years. Eventually that was put together and published in 1992 as the book, “Sexo e Evolução”. 

What method do you use and how long does it take you to write a book? 

My work has always been based on extensive research, analysis, reasoning and meditating on issues. I read and reread what I have written as I go along, trying to perfect the style and vocabulary, elaborating on the explanations and interpreting the thoughts that come from the Spirit World, from the benefactors. All is founded on serious bibliographic reference. After extensive research about a particular issue, I pick from Spiritist books or the Gospel extracts that I believe are the most relevant. I then organise those extracts and it is only then that I begin writing, inserting the extracts I had previously selected. That is, of course, part of my take on the subject. 

What are the main challenges to be faced when writing and publishing Spiritist works? 

The Spiritist works we can describe as OK, good, very good or excellent are those who follow strictly the thoughts and ideas mentioned by Jesus Christ and Allan Kardec in his compilation of the Spiritist books. There are a great number of books of questionable quality being published in Brazil. Many of them simply repeat issues and explanations from books already published. But real Spiritists should not despair. It is counter-productive to criticise “dodgy books”. It would be even worse for the Spiritist Movement to publish lists of “censored books” by people claiming the dubious right to safeguard the purity of the Teachings. To close that question, I would like to quote this beautiful sentence dictated by the wise spirits in charge of the codification of Spiritism:

“In order to distinguish what is wrong from the truth it is necessary to go deeper in the answers and think carefully and seriously about them; a proper study is necessary. For that, like for everything else, time is required. Study, compare, go deeper in your studies we will keep telling you: that is the price of getting to know the truth”. (The Mediums’ Book, Allan Kardec, Chapter XXVII – “Contradictions and Mystifications” – question 301, item 4, Ed. Lake) 

What is the role Spiritist leaders can play in safeguarding the quality of Spiritist publications? 

They must understand that It is worth working hard for the progress of Spiritism when you consider the impact it has on the development of human souls. There is much more to be done beyond working in the administration of buildings, organisations, accounts and events. It is necessary to work with love and idealism in the Christian and Spiritist development of all volunteer workers in Spiritist Centres, encouraging and promoting the study of the works of Allan Kardec. We need to reach people from all ages and groups, from the young to the elderly. No one can be left alone. That is the charity of enlightenment. Let us start by the basis of Spiritism, with regular study meetings along the school year prioritising the works of the codifier of Spiritism, Allan Kardec. Each Spiritist writer, incarnate or discarnate, has a valuable contribution to make according to his intellectual development, his own ideas, knowledge of Spiritism, life experience and knowledge about the Gospel. To become a good writer Spiritist, one should not spped up the process of study and preparation. 

What are your plans for the future? Do you intend to continue writing? 

I intend to continue studying Spiritism and to get to know myself, correcting my ways as quickly as possible through the light of the Gospel. I want to do good deeds, to help disseminate the Teachings and the Gospel using with moderation the new technological tools, such as the Internet, videos and films. We must act in life putting together the values of reasoned faith, live faith, detachment from material things, purity of intention, and the pleasure of loving and serving. 


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