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Editorial Portuguese  Spanish    
Year 9 - N° 436 - October 18, 2015
Francine Prado / francine.cassia@hotmail.com


One world, two worlds,
many worlds…


That Brazil and the world are in crisis it is a fact that only blind people do not see and that affects in different ways the social groups that constitutes the population of a given country or place.

In Brazil, festivals like Rock in Rio gathered days ago thousands of people, while the high cost of living and mass layoffs have become even more difficult the life of a huge contingent.

According to the publicist André Torretta in an interview in a well-known magazine, unemployment, which emphasized more strongly in June, it has since increased absurdly. "In December, it should hit 10%" says the publicist. And it vanish the optimism with it. "In the second half of the year, there has been a brutal optimism wasting. So for a typical family of class C, the daughter had to leave college in March, the son lost his job in August and Christmas will be a disgrace. The climax, however, has not come." (Magazine Veja of 10.14.2015, page 19.)

Tours here and abroad, expensive concerts, luxury ostentation, on one side; deprivation, broken dreams, despair on the other - facts that prove that there are more than one world, two worlds, many worlds... in the orb which we live in.

In some, peace and prosperity follow unshakable.

In others, the conflict, the bewilderment and scarcity...

Meanwhile, it continues outside the plight of refugees from Syria and Iraq, it continues the wars, the actions of terrorist groups, scandals of all levels, the moral and economic bankruptcy of groups and nations, with unimaginable consequences for the people who live there.

It was way back in 1971/72 that Emmanuel said that the Earth resembled a "house under renovation".

Remember the message that such idea was formulated:


Calamities, plagues, conflicts, struggles, trials!...

The frames of the modern world, however, do not express return to primitivism or exaltation of animalism.

We are in full route of chipping and progress.

The Earth is today like the house under refurbishment.

Everything or almost everything is seemingly misfit for fair reharmonization.

In the current moment of human knowledge, will it not be recommended a revision of values by man, considering man in his imperishable spirit condition?


Concepts set out by the Christian civilization in almost twenty centuries, are now tested, waking up the creatures to the responsibility to live the standards of immortality which is in us.

Spiritual gap in the family, creating disturbances, compel those who are in it to raise awareness of the golden rule. Open up more widely to school experience, so that we learn to respect the loved ones as much as yearn to be respected. Disagreements here and there demand the presence of builders of overall security.

Enroll ourselves in the competition for the title of peacemaker.

Misunderstandings stretch in all ways, with mutual accusations between groups and individuals. It emphasizes the opportunity to forgive automatically, immunizing us against retribution or resentment.

Happiness and peace in the common living processes complain selflessness of those who declare themselves in favor of better world.

It is surprised a significant contest of personal values, released to the growers of good at the base of evangelical caption: "Who wants to be the biggest that makes himself the servant of all."

Rise for life sustaining the light of hope. Of course we do not have the planetary house under death sentence. We all continue guarded by the balance of the universal laws.

What currently exists on Earth is the calling even more alive to the individual testimony to understanding and improvement, with multiplied work opportunities in praise of our own renewal.
(From the book Chico Xavier asks Permission, chapter 27, work by Francisco Cândido Xavier, J. Herculano Pires and various spirits.)


Let us look to the end of the message, to remember that the crisis that happens to us should be seen as a living call to individual testimony of understanding and improvement, with a view to our own renewal, as in life everything passes, everything is transitory, everything has a goal and we, spirits, know exactly what it is. 



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