A great man and
teacher in charity
It is known a great man for his good deeds, feelings and words.
How he lives in society, man - a human being - is tested continuously by the knowledge of human order that he has and, as a being endowed with the divine spark he is also observed and evaluated based on the relevant provisions to eternity.
In both directions, Adolfo Bezerra de Menezes was a great man.
With remarkable reputation, he was soon acclaimed and elected general congressman. Politics, as we know, is one of the most severe tests for moral analysis, it ensures, in a way, authority, and when this is not understood and becomes blind and abusive power, it can contribute to the initiate chaos, as we see today in our country.
Bezerra de Menezes under any circumstances pledged his high principles in exchange for favors or interests; his manhood was always striking and decisive. He sincerely wished happiness and support of others, which eventually led him to abandon the public career since his ideals did not agree to the policy itself. His ideal was to be the aid to the destitute brother, the kind word for sad of heart, the doctor to help the hopeless. He was, above all, the embodiment of goodness and performed everything with love.
By knowing Spiritism, his heart gave himself entirely to the spirit cause. He assimilated, perfectly, all the spirit teaching and hos dedication to this mister produced wonderful fruit. Yet it was not missing to him in spirits labors annoyances and hassles; however, before the inconveniences experienced, he always adopted wise, respectful and loving attitude at all times. For Bezerra de Menezes, love was the best response to its opposite.
As if it was not enough natural disagreements, there are those who postpone the purpose of the making profession of the same apparent ideal, so that, hand in hand with a great goal, there is often dissent. That was what happened with Bezerra de Menezes, who was faced with a serious problem among spirits: those who accepted Spiritism in the religious aspect and that only accepted by the scientific and philosophical side. But he always using up the good loving sense conquered his ways. It is that the wise man devises ways to assert the truth without disparaging or ridiculing others, because he understands the other as part of his universe, a companion of life's journey, not just an opponent.
It is funny how there are different ways to speak about a great man. Adolfo Bezerra de Menezes is no different, because he is an outstanding example of countless beneficent sequences.
As we all know he extoled the truth taught by the Master Jesus and drew on the science resource for healing the body, but at no time forgot the practice of charity, loving support for the weakened spirits.
There are examples of all qualities and vibrations in the scene of life. Free-will will be the choice for peace or disturbance.
There are many blessed examples to inspire us. Dr. Bezerra de Menezes is one of them.
Throughout history, however, we know immeasurable number of sad facts and complete suffering for the simple reason that love was not the protagonist.