First the light;
then the steps
Differing opinions about certain content are in various human activities. No wonder, since the level of spiritual development among people is almost impossible to compute, creating thus many interpretations.
As the development is achieved, consistency also expands. Thus, a solution in order to alleviate the remarkable diversity of opinion and approach it to a more satisfactory result, it will only succeed through further study.
Do not become an excellent professional who nor dedicate to his craft or are interested in it. It also occurs in spirit field and that is why the study and improvement are needed in this harvest.
The responsibility on the part of those who write or talk about the Doctrine and hence those who are ahead of Spirit houses is undoubtedly very significant, because besides they give continuity to this exquisite and essential work, constantly people newly-arrived to Spiritism are alert and pretty receptive to the opinions and teaching that are transmitted to us. It is easy therefore to understand that differences in our opinions cause enormous confusion for beginners, which, of course, they are still deprived of spirit knowledge.
Well, a little can be done in a dark room, but when the light is turned on everything can be seen, analyze and both take place. It happens the same way with the understanding of the doctrine. Understanding is the light; the ignorance, darkness.
When intellectual curiosity and a taste for the study of Spiritism arise, surely the reincarnated spark starts to take an interest in real life and want to know more about it, because it becomes able to formulate its own conclusions, without having to accept the first argument that comes to the front.
It is therefore essential that the Spirit Houses establish courses of doctrine that are not only informative, but to awaken in the participants the questioning and logical thinking that give them support to want their improvement.
Obviously, for courses been productive, their teachers should be trained and the used items - books, the works - should be subjected to a critical analysis, because countless are the titles on the market, but in a small number of works it can be trusted.
If life is continuous movement and evolution, also in a Spirit Center should stimulate development based on Spirit principles without conditioning interpretation. Yet due to the changing times, the internet has become an unquestionable tool for spreading the doctrine; much study and information are accessed by one click.
The Doctrine came to us to enlighten the way to a new life bringing the actual values for progress. The man, fallible spark, but perfectible, obviously wants progress; ways to it do not miss. Spirit houses, in turn, have great responsibility in the development of embodied and disembodied. However, development only exists in time and place where do not witness the sectarian behavior. Fanaticism, as we know, never produces something good.
Given this, it is not difficult to conclude that the study and doctrinal discussion, without the necessary openness to new explanations grounded in secure and reliable teachings, it will not give us the encouragement we need for the expansion of knowledge and acquisition of wisdom. After all, Spirits are aware that, according to well-known lesson of Emmanuel, wisdom is one of the wings with what the soul will rise to infinite perfection.