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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 9 - N° 446 - January 3, 2016

Johnny Silveira - silveirajohnny@yahoo.com


The pleasure of being useful


Nine year-old Mary was a girl full of good will and a desire to help others, and at the end of the school year she became pensive: "What will I do with my free time?"

She already missed her school friends, and the classes had barely ended!

It was customary to her family to get out of town for a few days to a beach, a farm or visiting relatives living in other cities. But still, the holidays were too long for her as she missed her more serious activities. What to do?...

Her mother noticing her very thoughtful daughter asked:

- What's going on, honey? You look worried and restless!

Then Mary said to her mother:

- Mom, it’s just that when the holidays begin I need activities. I struggle do nothing like many of my friends!

- And you're right, darling. Having an empty head is not good for anyone. Find an activity such as reading, playing with your dolls, or jumping rope with the neighbourhood kids... Also, you can go to the movies, go for a stroll, visit your friends! There are so many things to do, Mary!

But the girl remained thoughtful, as none of those things really interested her.

Her mother started to fix lunch and left the girl in the living room while she looked at her father's books in search of one that she could read. Suddenly, she opened one of them and a message on a piece of paper fell on the floor. Mary picked it up and read: “Spiritist's Holiday".

She began to read the message and her eyes sparkled. There the author related a series of activities that could be implemented while on vacation. Mary smiled with satisfaction. Of course many of the suggestions did not apply to her but some were great!

Then, satisfied, she went to the kitchen:

- Mom! I found what I was looking for! During this holiday I will do different activities, such as taking all the Spiritist newspapers we receive and that Dad has already read to hospitals where there are patients in need of something to read. Or I will visit sick people and children with health problems who need someone to talk to. So, I will bring joy to sick adults and children! What do you think?

Her glad mother smiled:

- Well done, honey! Do that and Jesus will bless you. And whenever I can, I will go with you. I can bake cakes and bring them to those who can eat them!

The girl clapped her hands, satisfied:

- Yes, Mom! How nice! How nice!...

And from that day, Mary began to take newspapers and magazines for the adults and children's books for the children. Her mother would prepare a sweet or savoury cake, fill a thermos with tea and they

would go out visiting the adults and children who were sick.

It had become such an enjoyable activity that even after finishing the holidays, they continued doing it because those they helped missed them when the mother and daughter did not come.

So they developed a great friendship with all those in need they visited, becoming their true friends. If one of them got worse, they would come to see them in the hospital and there meet other patients in need of attention and affection.

Many who lived in other cities, rarely received visits from their families and sometimes they had no clothes, toothpaste, soap, a shaving kit and many other things. So the girls created a group of help for all of them, collecting the things needed from neighbours and friends.

The work, that started without any pretence, was increasing with the collaboration of others who were interested in helping, and now were a group that would visit the homes of the people who were sick, blind, deaf, dumb, and with all sorts of other difficulties.

And Mary, at school, would tell her experiences, talking about the need of those people, especially the children, and enlisting more friends to help.

She felt happy and fulfilled, knowing that the work they did was important for many people. And when someone asked if she ever got tired of that activity, she would say smiling:

- Nope. It’s a pleasure to be helpful!

And at night, a lot of prayers would reach the higher spheres thanking Mary for the help she provided to everyone. 


(Psychographed by Celia X. de Camargo on 30/11/2015.)


O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism