It is important to do the good and everyone can do it
It was discussed among some friends what would have been the most significant doctrinal nature of the contribution that was brought by Spiritism.
All mentioned obviously the fundamental principles of spiritual doctrine - the existence of God, the immortality of the soul, the plurality of existences, the law of cause and effect and the exchange between the men and the spirits – which it has been in this journal focused on more than one occasion. (Read about the text "The existence of God", the reader can access by clicking
One of the friends, however, put on the table an issue little discussed in spirit midst, but of huge importance for the future of us all. We refer to the question 642 The Spirits' Book, in which Allan Kardec made the Spirits the following question: - To please God and secure its future position, simply that man does not practice evil?
Before seeing the answer given by the immortal, it is important to remember that the theme of "good and evil" had already been the subject of another question presented by Spiritism encoder: - How can it distinguish good from evil?
Here is the answer that the spiritual instructors gave him:
"The good is all that is according to God's law; evil, all that is contrary to it. So do good is to proceed according to the law of God. Do evil is infringe it." (The Spirits' Book, question 630.) (Bold is ours.)
The answer obtained by Kardec raised two other issues, published in the same work, it is important to recall:
- Does the man have the means to discern for himself what is good from what is bad? "Yes, when he believes in God and the wonder. God gave him the intelligence to distinguish one from another." (The Spirits' Book, question 631.)
- Being subject to error, cannot the man be mistaken in assessing the good and evil and believe that he does the good when in reality does evil? "Jesus said: see what you wanted to be done to yourselves or not to. It all comes down it. Do not be falsely." (S. B., 632.)
Jesus referred to the theme we now examine the final part of the speech recorded by Matthew and it passed to history of Christianity with the name the Sermon on the Mount. Its warnings were at the time very clear and easily understood:
Not everyone that said unto me: Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day: Lord, Lord, we do not preach in your name, and it was not in your name cast out demons and perform many miracles? And yet, I'll tell them: I never knew you. Depart from me, evil workers! (Matthew 7: 21-23.) (Bold is ours.)
We all know the phrase spoken by Jesus comes to do the will of our Father, not just teach it, profess it or believe it.
Well. The answer given by spiritual instructors to question 642 of The Spirits' Book, we mentioned initially, could not be different from that Kardec obtained and published:
- To please God and secure its future position, simply that man does not practice evil? "No; he needs to do well in the end of his tether, because account for every evil there is a result of not having done any good." (The Spirits' Book, question 642.)
- There will be those who, by their position, have no possibility of doing good? "There is no one that cannot do the good. Only the selfish never find the opportunity to practice. It is enough to be in relationships with other men in order to have time to do good, and there is no day of existence that does not offer, who do not think blinded by selfishness, opportunity to practice it. Because doing good is not only for man to be charitable, but to be useful, as far as possible, every time that his attendance will be needed." (S.B., question 643.) (Bold is ours.)
The lesson we gather from the words above is too obvious: do good is important and essential to life ... and there is no one cannot do it.