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Editorial Portuguese  Spanish    
Year 9 - N° 456 - March 13, 2016
Francine Prado / francine.cassia@hotmail.com


The return of casinos and gambling

In a country in crisis, with so many problems to solve, all that remained was this: the release of gambling, bingos and casinos in Brazil.

The theme has yet to come this semester on the agenda of the National Congress, clearly showing that the nation's leaders ignore or minimize the damage that gambling can cause to society.

Supporters of the idea believe that the release of bingos and casinos would be beneficial because it would increase tax revenues and contribute at the same time, to generate jobs.

Nothing more wrong!

As Paul of Tarsus warned in known epistle, everything in life is lawful, but not everything suits us.

Gambling generates a series of negative effects, both those that are usually included with the call luck in the game, such as those who spend significant resources from the household budget in this practice, a fact that comes, in many cases, to bring them to economic and financial ruin.

Some time ago, a friend from spirit labors met a colleague who asked him for help. "Help for what?" - He asked the friend. Help him to get rid of the temptation to play, something he thought he was free, but it has come back with full force, although the gambling addiction had taken him in the past to lose everything he had, including the house itself.

The gifted of luck in the game, if we can call it luck, the game gives the idea that it is better to play than work, thereby encouraging indolence and unwillingness to practice an honest activity.

The so-called unlucky, gambling can bring ruin, not only in economic and financial terms, but the moral ruin, with all the consequences that this fact is likely to cause within a family.

When it is practiced without financial interest and as simple entertainment, the game is not inherently bad. But no one can ignore its addictive potential, a fact that led the World Health Organization in 1992 to include gambling in the official list of diseases, since the addiction of playing cause the moral degradation of the citizen who becomes the slave of a situation which is often unable to leave.

The compulsive gambler, according to understanding of experts, not only destroys the person who plays, but often causes losses of every kind to his family, braking, for countless times, the development of children and youth. It is not difficult, therefore, to understand that the dangers of addiction in the game have an impact, ultimately throughout society.

It would therefore be greatly convenient that the intended project does not prosper for the benefit of Brazilian society, suffocated in a political and unprecedented moral crisis, aggravated by corruption, inflation, the recession and unemployment, with all its adverse consequences.


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