Hope is the Christian light
In recent months, a subject that does not leave the common news is the economic and political crisis that has been affecting the country for sometime, it is exclusively the result of the unprecedented moral crisis that has shaken the nation and the Brazilian people.
Facing an unfavorable scenario, the outcome of that it is hard to imagine, it is just left hope, a virtue so important in the lives of men, which makes up alongside of faith and charity, the so called the theological virtues.
Indeed, Paul of Tarsus wrote:
"For now there remain faith, hope and charity. But the greatest of these is charity." (1st Corinthians Epistle, 13:13)
Daughter beloved of faith, hope is for her mother as the reflected light of the planets of our system is to sunlight. "Hope - Emmanuel says - is like the moonlight that is the belief of balms. Faith is the divine clarity of certainty." (The Comforter, 257.)
Many people do not forget the countless times they gave their vote to individuals who, as soon as they took power, they forgot the campaign promises and proceeded to do exactly the opposite of what they had promised.
This fact causes in people who were deceived the feeling of hopelessness, which it is the opposite of virtue preached by the Apostle of the Gentiles.
We learn from the spirit teachings that individual effort makes the necessary and natural differentiation among the creatures. However, ensure Spiritism, the distribution of opportunities is always the same for everyone.
Without discrimination of anyone, everyone gets along the successive existences, identical possibilities of mental growth and rise in the top field of life. It happens, however, that despite this, many people in lifelong, get far away from the light and faith.
While they can afford of health and have the treasure of human possibilities, they avail themselves of irony and sarcasm every time someone calls them to the divine concert. But later when the ground lights turn off, they are incapacitated to drive in the fantasy field, they tend to rebel against God and life, rushing themselves in desperate depths.
Reckless, they allow themselves to be absorbed by shortsighted concerns of the lower sphere, turning hopes into criminal ambitions, expressions of trust in blind fanaticism, transcendental aspirations in narrow interests.
In vain is heard the gentle word of the Lord in the inner sanctum when obsessed by illusions of the physical plane they lose the ability to hear. It is that among the things that they think and the warnings contained in the lessons of the Gospel, it rises from thick border crystallized selfishness and vicious affliction. And so, little by little, the man who arrived at Earth rich of human ideals and transitional achievements becomes a beggar of light and peace, in old age and death.
Any resemblance to the characters and authors of moral, political and economic crisis affecting Brazil is no coincidence. And it is very good that everyone knows they are digging for themselves a pit of pain, disappointment and regret that it will require a long process of atonement and reparation, as it is established by the Divine Justice, that no one, rich or poor, weak or powerful, doctor or illiterate, can escape.
"Hope is the Christian light" - said Emmanuel by the hands of Chico Xavier and then added:
"Not everyone can, for now, the sublime flight of faith, but the power of hope is common treasure. Not everyone can offer, when they want, the bread of the body and the spiritual lesson, but no one on Earth is unable to spread the benefits of hope." (Vinha de Luz, chapter 75.)
This is exactly what we propose writing these lines.
We never lose hope and, what concerns us, do our part so that this country gets back on track and to the proper course, as good people crave.