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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 10 - N° 503 - February 12, 2017

Johnny Silveira / silveirajohnny@yahoo.com


The Joy Of Doing Good

As he walked down the street, Leo, a nine year-old boy, saw a man who looked very sick. He was on the porch of a house sunbathing. He was very thin and was crumpled under a blanket that warmed him from the cold and the wind. The boy felt pity when he noticed his sad eyes and, as he walked by, waved his hand to greet him:

- Good morning, sir! How are you?

The old man seemed surprised with the boy's greeting and his interested eyes widened:

- Good morning, boy! What's your name? I'm Nile! Come talk to me! I'm so lonely!...

Leo remembered that he needed to buy a few things for his mother but thought it was still early. So he stopped and opened the gate to the old man's house and entered:

- My name is Leo, sir. Are you okay?

The old man took a deep breath and murmured:

- I’m very sick, boy. Soon I will not be here anymore. I have accumulated so many things, so many possessions!... What good are they now?

- That’s true. Did you know that we take nothing material from this life? It is no good to have many

possessions, for we shall have to leave them behind!

- I had not thought of that, Leo. It's true, I'll have to leave everything here on Earth. But I would like to make good use of all that I have - said the surprised old man while he looked at the boy.

- Then why don’t you give to the poor? They will certainly use everything they receive.

Listening to the boy, Nile became thoughtful and thought it would be good not to leave his children anything as they had never wanted to work because they were just waiting for their inheritance.

- You’re right, Leo. I'll think about it. After all, my two children have always been just interested in the wealth I have built in life, and they have never wanted to do anything as they thought they would be rich when I died. But what do I do?

- Mr. Nile, I know a lot of poor people who would be happy with anything you gave them - said the boy after thinking for a moment.

Feeling excited, Nile agreed and asked him to be taken to those people who had nothing. Quickly, Leo grabbed the old man’s wheelchair and led him to the sidewalk while talking animatedly:

- You know what, sir? People will think you're Santa in disguise!

The old man laughed, glad to be leaving home after many months. He wanted to walk around for a little bit so he could see people, since his daughter always thought it would not do him good to go out. Now he was happy to be on the sidewalk with that nice boy.

He was happy to be able to go out and wanted to stop by a little square full of trees. They watched the flowers and heard the birds, until Nile thought it was best to go on. They arrived at the poor neighbourhood and saw many children playing in the street. He remembered his grandson, whom his daughter would never let play outside.

Smiling people greeted him, some stopped to talk to him, and many, in a hurry, waved their hands on their way to work. Nile was happy there in the midst of those people.

- And now, what shall we do? - he asked Leo.

- It’s up to you, Mr. Nilo.

So Nile asked him to call the children, who came running, still sweaty from playing ball. And the old man said:

- I’d like to know what you need. Leo will write it down in my notebook.

The children talked about their needs: one needed shoes, another needed books for school, others needed clothes. Three needed medicine for their

sick parents, and so each one talked about what they did not have and what they needed.

After writing it all down, Leo handed the list to the old man who then gave some of the money he had in his pockets to the children. They happily hugged him because of his kindness.

Nile was very happy, he had never felt so well! The affection of the people had done him great good, and that gesture of love enveloped him, bringing him to tears. Then he and Leo said goodbye to the children and returned home. When he arrived there, Leo left him on the porch and said:

- Thank you, sir! It was a beautiful morning! Did you see how happy they were?

- I did indeed. What about you, Leo, what do you want? What do you need to be happy?

- I do not need anything, Mr. Nile. I'm happy!

- What do you mean, you do not need anything?!...

- That’s right, sir. I do not need anything! I just need to see others happy! I am so glad to have helped those children. Thank you! I always wanted to help them but I had nothing to give! Whenever you want to go for a walk, call me. Here's my phone - he said, handing him a piece of paper - I will always be at your service, sir.

- I do not understand, Leo! You must need something! - said the old man.

- No, sir. I have everything! I need very few things: I have clothes, shoes, books, toys and friends! Now, I have your friendship, which is very important to me! Thank you, Mr. Nile. Call me if you need me.

They hugged each other, and Leo said goodbye to him, adding:

- May Jesus always bless you, Mr. Nile!


Psychographed by Célia X. de Camargo, on 21/11/2016.



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