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Entrevista Português Inglês    
Year 11 - N° 515 - May 7, 2017
Santos, SP 
Leonardo Rocha - l.rocha1989@gmail.com

Edson Luís Cardoso: 

“The aim of Fraternal Support
is to help people overcome
the problems caused by chemical dependency”

The president of the Medical-Spiritist Association of Santo Ângelo, a city in the southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul, speaks about a new tool devised for volunteers in self-help groups working on the treatment of chemical dependency 

Edson Luís Cardoso (photo), a psychiatrist and president of the Medical-Spiritist Association of the Brazilian city of Santo Ângelo, has recently presented his Master’s degree dissertation. It introduced a new tool to assist self-help groups in a modern and innovative way: a blog, or in other words, a page published on the Internet, enabling

a quick update when articles and other comments are posted. The aim is to encourage a quick and efficient exchange of information to help groups working with people struggling with chemical dependency, or substance abuse, as he explains in this interview:  

How did you come about the idea of using a blog for educational purposes? 

I had the idea, along with other volunteers and members of a Spiritist Group, some 15 years ago, having observed a marked growth in the number of people using drugs and the types of drugs used. We decided to found a group to help people suffering from chemical dependency. The group was named Apoio Fraterno (AF), or Fraternal Support. After the first pilot project, we began to expand it. There are now 19 AFs across the country, 14 of them in Rio Grande do Sul state. The blog was created to back up the work of the Fraternal Support groups, encouraging the dissemination of information, education and improving the general quality of the help given to people suffering the consequences of psychoactive substance use. 

Who were the volunteers who took part in the study? 

We used the Google Docs tool and also sent questionnaires for volunteers in AF groups. People from different backgrounds and professions took part in the research, including housewives, businessmen, teachers, lawyers, doctors, dentists and psychologists. All of them had done special courses to be able to work as volunteers in AF groups, organised by AME-Brasil (Brazil’s Medical-Spiritist Association).  

How did you structure the research? 

The data used to build the blog were collected through a self-completion questionnaire, structured according to the clinical cases and sent to volunteers of Spiritist Fraternal Support groups in six cities and towns. The questions focused on technical knowledge, emotional aspects and spirituality. Having collected the questionnaires, we produce a health education blog, to be shared by all volunteers working in AF groups, including those who did not take part in the research. The study was carried out in the second half of 2015 and first half of 2016. 

What were the main results of this study? 

We were able to get a very accurate picture, thanks to the quality of the research and the method of analysis. We inferred from the results that there are gaps regarding the knowledge of chemical dependency. We decided them, to devise a technological tool that can be used for education purposes by the volunteers, helping them get better qualifications to help those suffering the tragedy of chemical dependency and codependency. 

How is the blog structured? 

The blog is structured in a way that enables volunteers and any other person to search and access its contents, as shown on the graphics below: 

Is there anything else concerning your experience that you would like to add? 

This AME-Brasil project reached universities little by little. It was met initially with resistance because of its ostensive link to spirituality. But the undeniable scientific evidence provided, showing the positive effects on human health, helped to eventually knock down those barriers and the project went ahead. That was our first victory. The second one was its approval by the Ethics and Research Committee, which highlighted the “great social relevance” of this volunteer project.

I was very happy, eventually, when I realised that the AF groups’ work was something that went beyond the boundaries of health. It is closed linked to a number of non-formal education approaches in health, social and environmental aspects. The Fraternal Support groups’ work follows the guidelines of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, in 2014, which mentions the need to ensure a healthy life and well-being for people of all ages. It also sets a goal to reduce by one-third the number of premature deaths caused by non-contagious illnesses through the prevention and treatment of the abuse of legal and illegal substances. Allan Kardec’s The Spirits’ Book mentions clearly the aim set up by the AF groups, which is to help people overcome substance abuse through moral education: 

There is one element that has not been considered sufficiently and economics is just a theory without it: education. Not merely intellectual education, but moral education, that which consists in the formation of character and habits, which human beings do not learn from books. Education is the sum of the habits acquired. When we consider that, many individuals are lost in the food of a population without principles, or direction and are left to their own instincts on a daily basis. Should we be surprised by the disastrous consequences that result? 
When the art of education is properly understood and practiced, all human beings will have the habits of stability and prudence for themselves and for those who depend on them, and respect for what is worthy of respect. These habits will enable them to endure hard times with greater ease. Chaos and extravagance are social handicaps that only proper education can cure, and the spread of such education is the preliminary element of social well-being, which is the only guarantee of security for all.


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