We present in this issue
the topic #56 from the
Systematized Study of
the Spiritist Doctrine,
that is being presented
weekly, according to the
programme elaborated by
the Brazilian Spiritist
Federation (FEB),
structured in 6 modules
and 147 topics.
If the reader uses this
program for a study
group, we suggest that
questions proposed be
discussed freely before
the reading of the text
that follows. If you
would like to study
alone, we ask you to try
to answer the questions
at first and only then
read the text that
follows. The answer key
can be found at the end
of the lesson.
1. How does Spiritism
evaluate needless
2. Three mistakes can be
pointed out in criminal
abortion. What are they?
3. What kind of abortion
is accepted by the
Spiritist Doctrine?
4. What diseases can be
contracted due to
criminal abortion?
5. What consequences of
spiritual nature can
abortion incur?
Criminal abortion is the
denial of love
1. Abortion is,
according to the
Superior Spirits, a
heinous crime. Killing a
child inside the mom’s
belly is a murder. A
mother or whoever it is
will commit a crime
whenever they take a
child’s life before its
birth, because it would
stop the spirit who
would reincarnate to
pass through the various
probations for his own
2. We can point out
three mistakes made by
these mothers. First: to
stop the spirit to
reincarnate, it means,
to progress. Second: to
reject a son who maybe
represents the tool that
God gave to parents in
order to help them
progress, through taking
care, resigning,
worrying about the kid.
Third: not complying
with the commandment
“Thou shalt not kill”
and in this case also an
act of cowardice, since
the Spirit is
3. Criminal abortion is
the denial of love.
Overwhelm the future
life, full of hope;
prevent the soul from
coming back to our
world; deny the Spirit
the chance to readjust
represents, in any
place, situation and
time, heinous crime,
with lasting and painful
consequences for the
human psyche.
4. The earthly humanity
struggles through
various ways. There are
homicides, robberies,
murders, diseases,
hunger, tragedies,
ignorance, and wars,
what make the world to
live constant social
convulsions. A crime,
though, is more painful,
if it is committed with
pleasure, in the silence
of home or the Nature
itself – a shocking
crime, because the
victim has no voice to
beg for mercy nor arms
to react. We refer to
criminal abortion, in
which unaware parents
determine the death of
their own offspring,
denying them the chance
to receive the blessing
of life.
Abortion incurs
mysterious diseases
5. In many countries,
needless abortion –
because a necessary
one is the
therapeutical abortion,
the one who saves the
life of the mother – is
helped by the law, but,
according to the
Spiritist Doctrine,
abortion has no
justification before
God, but in rare cases
as the ones we cited
above, in which the
honest and aware doctor
understands that the
continued pregnancy may
harm the health of the
Only the doctor is able
to say so.
6. According to
Spiritist teachings,
criminal abortion is one
of the main causes of
mysterious diseases and
psyche problems that
occupy many departments
of hospitals and
prisons. The woman who
promotes it or makes any
sort of movements
towards it is forced to,
by irrevocable laws, to
suffer depressing
alterations in the
Genesis center of her
soul, making her prone
to painful sicknesses,
such as metritis
uterus problems or
cancer, all diseases
that can actually kill,
demanding the Spirit to
be questioned, before
the Divine Justice, for
the committed crime.
7. So she understands
she is alive, but sick
and unhappy, because by
the memories of the act
being played over and
over on her mind,
through remorse, will
suffer for a long time
in the region of the sex
8. The woman who
willingly corrupted her
Genesis center – informs
André Luiz in Ação
e Reação, pages.
210 and 211 – will
receive in the future
souls who behave in
similar fashion, and she
is likely to be mother
of suicidals or
criminals, regenerating
the subtle energies of
the persipirit through
the sacrifice in which
she will dedicate to the
miserable children of
hers, learning how to
pray, to serve well and
meditate on the pure and
healthy motherhood, that
she will finally conquer
after all these
Abortion can be a closed
door to our friends
9. The spiritual
consequences of abortion
are well explained in
the following experience
that Suely Caldas
Schubert writes in her
book Obsessão/Desobsessão,
published in 1981 by the
Brazilian Spiritist
In chapter.
9 of the third part,
Suely Schubert reports
three mediumistic
communications related
to abortion and its
10. The first one is a
doctor who, while
incarnated, used to do
it regularly. We all
know that abortion –
except when made to save
the mother’s life – is
deemed a crime to the
eyes of God and there is
no justification. The
disincarnated doctor
seemed extremely
troubled, saying he was
being haunted by several
Spirits. Accusing
himself of murderer, he
was horrified with his
acts. The regret had
come to him in the
spiritual life;
therefore, he was
dreading his
persecutors, among them
some he had killed
11. The second
communicator was a woman
who had died during an
abortion. Troubled by
the remorse of this
action, she would still
hate the doctor who
performed the operation
on her, trying to haunt
him now.
12. The third entity to
communicate was also a
woman who had an
abortion in her last
life on Earth. As she
was poor and fought with
many difficulties to
provide for the kids,
this miserable mother
got pregnant again and
looked for a way to
abort what would be her
sixth kid. Once she
committed the crime, the
regret was terrible and
immediate. She had never
forgiven herself, thus,
suffering twice as much
carrying for the rest of
her days the burden of
remorse. Her existence
was long and difficult.
She faced all life’s
difficulties, and at
last, she disincarnated.
The spiritual plan had a
surprise for her.
As she disincarnated,
she met up with the
rejected son and she got
really disappointed to
verify she would hold
him in high regard, as
he was her companion in
the past, and would be
born in her home to make
her days less bitter.
13. Spirit of a certain
moral elevation, he had
already forgiven her,
but she never forgave
herself and now, in the
spiritual plan, she took
in the responsibility of
helping people that are
likely to make the same
mistake, to show them we
make our own destiny and
abortion, far from being
the solution for life’s
problems, will in fact
worsen our debts, or
even close the doors to
our best friends.
Metritis: inflammation
of the uterus.
Inflammation of the
Pain in the uterus.
Answer key
1. How does Spiritism
evaluate needless
A.: According to the
Superior Spirits, a
heinous crime. Killing a
child inside the mom’s
belly is a murder. A
mother or whoever it is
will commit a crime
whenever they take a
child’s life before its
2. Three mistakes can be
pointed out in criminal
What are they?
A.: First: to stop the
spirit to reincarnate,
it means, to progress.
Second: to reject a son
who maybe represents the
tool that God gave to
parents in order to help
them progress, through
taking care, resigning,
worrying about the kid.
Third: not complying
with the commandment
“Thou shalt not kill”
and in this case also an
act of cowardice, since
the Spirit is helpless.
3. What kind of abortion
is accepted by the
Spiritist Doctrine?
A.: Therapeutical
abortion, the one who
saves the life of the
4. What diseases can be
contracted due to
criminal abortion?
According to Spiritist
teachings, criminal
abortion is one of the
main causes of
mysterious diseases and
psyche problems that
occupy many departments
of hospitals and
prisons. The woman who
promotes it or makes any
sort of movements
towards it is forced to,
by irrevocable laws, to
suffer depressing
alterations in the
Genesis center of her
soul, making her prone
to painful sicknesses,
such as Metritis,
vaginitis, metralgia
([3]), uterus problems
or cancer, all diseases
that can actually kill,
demanding the Spirit to
be questioned, before
the Divine Justice, for
the committed crime.
5. What consequences of
spiritual nature can
abortion incur?
A.: Obsession and moral
sufferings are some of
the consequences of
spiritual order made by
criminal abortion. Suely
Caldas Schubert talks
about this matter in her
book Obsessão/Desobsessão,
third part, cap. 9.
O Livro dos Espíritos,
de Allan Kardec, itens
358 e 359.
Vida e Sexo,
de Emmanuel,
psicografado por
Francisco Cândido
Xavier, 6a
edição, p. 76.
Luz no Lar,
de Autores diversos,
psicografado por
Francisco Cândido
Xavier, 3a
edição, pp. 54 e 55.
O Pensamento de Emmanuel,
de Martins Peralva, 2a
edição, pp. 124 a 126.
Após a Tempestade,
de Joanna de Ângelis,
psicografada por Divaldo
P.Franco, 2 a.
edição, pp. 67 e 68.
Ação e Reação,
de André Luiz,
psicografado por
Francisco Cândido
Xavier, 8a.
edição, pp. 210 e 211.