Universe and its
We present in this issue
the topic #61 from the
Systematized Study of
the Spiritist Doctrine,
that is being presented
weekly, according to the
programme elaborated by
the Brazilian Spiritist
Federation (FEB),
structured in 6 modules
and 147 topics.
If the reader uses this
program for a study
group, we suggest that
questions proposed be
discussed freely before
the reading of the text
that follows. If you
would like to study
alone, we ask you to try
to answer the questions
at first and only then
read the text that
follows. The answer key
can be found at the end
of the lesson.
1. How did God create
the Universe?
2. What are the two
general elements of the
3. What is matter,
according to the general
conception of the name?
4. What are chemical
elements and how many of
them exist?
5. Is there in the
Universe a unique
primitive substance in
which all the others
derive from?
God created the Universe
by an act of His will
1. All that exists and
it is not man-made, God
made it. That’s why we
say divine creation when
we report to this
immense Universe that,
according to Kardec,
covers the infinity of
worlds we see and the
one we do not see, all
the animated and
inanimate beings, all
the starts that move in
space, as well as the
fluids that filled them
But, how did God create
the Universe?
2. The answer to this
question is still a
mystery, as it is the
existence of the Creator
itself, and will not be
the human intelligence,
in the state we are by
now, that will solve
such mystery. We have to
accept, so, about this,
what Kardec received
from the Spirits of High
Degree and it is in
question 38 from The
Spirits’ Book: “How
did God create the
universe?” A.: “To
borrow a well-known
expression, by His will.
Nothing can give a
better idea of the
action of that
all-powerful will than
those grand words of
Genesis, "God said, 'Let
there be light,' and
there was light.”
3. We know, however,
through the revelation
of such Spirits, that
God created basically
two different
principles, opposed by
its general qualities,
they are the two general
elements of the
Universe: the
material element,
primary and totally
inert, and the
spiritual element,
intelligent, susceptible
of elaboration and
development, aiming the
accomplishment of
provided with reason and
4. With this second
element, God created the
Spirits, who are
intelligent beings,
conscientious and free
from the Universe. With
the first –the material
element – God formed the
worlds that roll in
space, subject to the
laws of the Celestial
Mechanics, as well as
all the beings that make
up the nature of these
worlds. About this
element we are going to
talk here, at the same
time that, according to
the Spiritist Doctrine,
we will try to
penetrate, at least try,
the origin and formation
of the worlds. Let us
call it as matter
and try to explain it.
It is infinite the
extension of the
physical Universe
5. In a summarized
definition, we can say
that matter is all that
exists in the physical
Universe, it means,
where occur the
phenomena that affect
our senses, whether they
are unarmed or armed
with powerful optical
instruments –
microscopes – that
provided us with
observations beyond the
natural reach of our
organs, taking us to
gigantic worlds, stars
and galaxies that fill
the space, and to the
inner self of beings and
things of our world and
others close to Earth.
6. As the extension of
the physical universe is
infinite, to study the
matter, in order to
understand and explain
it, the man necessarily
has to reduce his
observations to limited
portions of the matter
that is within his
reach, verifying the
possibility to
generalize the results
from the observations
made to all the matter
of the Universe.
7. Even if the bodies
have general properties
which identify them as
material, at the
simplest and quickest
observation, it is seen
that they differ
extraordinarily ones
from the others, showing
varieties of infinite
forms. They differ in
first place by its
physical state, as they
can be solid, liquid or
gaseous, or still in
intermediate states,
such as pasty or steam.
If we focus now only on
solid bodies, we will
see that they differ by
the exterior shape, and
through these shape that
we name them: a
cylinder, a sphere, a
cube, a pyramid, a
plate, a thread, a ring,
a bookshelf etc.
8. Besides form, solid
bodies can also be
distinguished by its
dimensions, existing
still a third point that
allows us to distinguish
even deeper the bodies’
ones from the others:
the substance of the
body. There are glass
bodies, wood, irons,
copper and so on. There
are bodies which their
individual substance is
constituted of equal
parts, making up what we
could call as pure body,
but not all bodies are
like that, the majority
in Nature are made up of
different ones, and can
be separated through
special procedures,
which means that, in
fact, they are mixtures
of two or more
substances, mixtures
that can be more or less
heterogeneous or
apparently homogeneous,
according to the
dimensions of the
particles in which they
are divided.
There is in the Universe
a unique primitive
9. Pure bodies are few
and far between in
Nature, for example the
samples of quartz or
rock crystal, made up of
silicate, substance that
in these samples is
found in its pristine
state. The obtaining of
pure bodies is work of
the chemical industry.
Once the pure bodies
were obtained, chemical
analysis has shown that
not all of them are
constituted of material
principles that can be
separated, and the great
majority revealed to be
reduced into other
substances, and the
latter could still be
They are called composed
10. There is, though, a
small number of simple
substances, that are,
irreducible, from them
it is impossible to
extract other
substances, only
themselves, showing they
are one of their kind,
that’s why they were
called chemical
elements. Chemistry, up
to now, could establish
the existence of a
certain number of
elements, which make up,
by themselves or
isolated, or combined,
all the substances of
the bodies. The natural
chemical elements,
classified since the
hydrogen up to the
uranium, are in total
92. When they aggregate
atoms of just one
element, we have simple
substances; when we
combine atoms of two or
more elements, we have
composed substances – to
sum it up, this is what
Chemistry could
11. Where, though,
chemists could not
penetrate with their
powerful instruments of
analysis, the Spirits of
High Degree do so
revealing, beyond the
dense state that we know
in our world, the matter
covering more subtle
states, purely fluidic
ones. These fluids fill
up all space and are
originated, from a
unique primitive
substance – the
universal fluid or
cosmic matter – which,
in fact, is the source
where, because of
modifications and
variations, all come
from in the Universe,
even the dense matter.
12. We also need to
consider, by the beauty
and truth they show, the
statement that the
Spirit of Galileo made
and that Kardec inserted
on chap. VI in
Genesis: “At first
sight, nothing would
appear so profoundly
varied, so essentially
distinct, as the diverse
substances which compose
the world.
However, we can state as
an absolute and
fundamental truth, that
all the substances known
and unknown, however
dissimilar they may
appear, either in view
of their constitution,
or in regard to their
reciprocal action, are
only different forms
through which matter
presents itself; only
varieties into which it
is transformed under the
direction of the
innumerable forces which
govern it.
It is of those questions
that we ourselves,
Spirits, lovers of
Science, speak when we
assert that the opinions
we express are merely
conjectural. (...)Upon
those questions I will
either keep silent, or
prove my knowledge. To
those who then would be
tempted to see in my
words only a dangerous
theory, I will say:
learn, if possible, by
investigation, the
multiplicity of the
operations of Nature,
and you will recognize
that, if one admits not
the unity of the matter,
it is impossible to
explain not only the
science of the suns and
spheres, but without
going so far, the
germination of a seed in
the earth, or the
production of an insect.
If one observes such a
diversity in matter, it
is because the forces
which have presided at
its transformations, the
conditions in which they
are produced being
unlimited in number, the
various combinations of
the matter must be
unlimited also. Then,
the substance that one
desires to comprehend
belongs properly to
fluids; that is to say,
imponderable bodies, or
it may be those dressed
with the ordinary
properties of the
matter. There is in all
the Universe only one
primitive substance: the
cosmic matter or cosmos
of uranography”.
Answer key
1. How did God create
the Universe?
A.: “To borrow a
well-known expression,
by His will. Nothing can
give a better idea of
the action of that
all-powerful will than
those grand words of
Genesis, "God said, 'Let
there be light,' and
there was light.”
2. What are the two
general elements of the
A.: The material
element, primary and
totally inert, and the
spiritual element,
intelligent, susceptible
of elaboration and
development, aiming the
accomplishment of
provided with reason and
3. What is matter,
according to the general
conception of the name?
A.: In a summarized
definition, we can say
that matter is all that
exists in the physical
Universe, it means,
where occur the
phenomena that affect
our senses, whether they
are unarmed or armed
with powerful optical
4. What are chemical
elements and how many of
them exist?
There is, though, a
small number of simple
substances, that are,
irreducible, from them
it is impossible to
extract other
substances, only
themselves, showing they
are one of their kind,
that’s why they were
called chemical
elements. Chemistry, up
to now, could establish
the existence of a
certain number of
elements, which make up,
by themselves or
isolated, or combined,
all the substances of
the bodies. The natural
chemical elements,
classified since the
hydrogen up to the
uranium, are in total
5. Is there in the
Universe a unique
primitive substance in
which all the others
derive from?
A.: Yes, the universal
fluid or cosmic matter –
which, in fact, is the
source where, because of
modifications and
variations, all come
from in the Universe,
even the dense matter.
The Spirits’ Book,
by Allan Kardec, items
38, 39, 41, 44, 47 and