The man owes its
rationality and
intelligence to the soul
1. Intelligence is an
essential attribute of
the Spirit, in which he
acknowledges its own
existence and exercises
volunteer and free
activities. When the
Spirit reaches the
degree of humanization,
its intelligence
acquires higher
development, as the
beginning of reason and
moral sense, which
enable him the capacity
to conceive the
existence of God.
2. Accomplishing many
volunteer and free
activities, showing a
clear definition and
obeying well-elaborated
reasoning, man is a
being who reveals double
nature: material
and spiritual.
Don’t forget that there
is a soul united to the
body of man and only to
it they owe their
intelligence and
rationality, their
knowledge and feelings,
as well as their will
and freedom.
3. There are, however,
beings that accomplish
facts in which a clear
definition is also
showed, but they seem to
obey automatisms rather
than free-will. Such
acts happen mainly
because of the
conservation of the
individual and the
species, aiming the
focus of eating and
reproduction, providing
for growth, development
and spreading, after
all, in the plenitude of
4. These acts happen
because of instinct –
they are called
instinctive acts. They
are in the plants, but
are clearer in animals,
as well as in the human
species, and occur,
whether it’s in the man
or the animals, beside
the intelligent acts.
Intelligence and
instinct come from the
same place
5. What is the
difference between
instinct and
intelligence? Is
instinct a rudimental
intelligence or a
distinct faculty? If it
were like this, we had
to admit that matter is
also intelligent, which
is a lie. Well, if the
instinctive act lacks
the main character of
the intelligent act,
which is deliberate,
reveals, though, an
intelligent cause,
because enables to
foresee and avoid the
mistake, which has taken
many scholars to admit
that instinct and
intelligence come from
the same principle,
which initially would
only have qualities of
instinct and later on
would develop, evolve
and would go through a
transformation which
would give them
6. This last hypothesis
falls for an in-depth
study, because mainly
instinct and
intelligence are found
together in the same
being, sometimes, in the
same act. When we walk,
for example, it is
instinctive the simple
movement of legs, in the
man and the animal – one
foot behind the other.
But as they speed up or
slow down, as well as
deviating an obstacle,
will appears,
deliberation and
calculation. Likewise,
the carnivorous animal
is taken by the instinct
to eat, but acts with
intelligence and even
cunning when it needs
7. In face of that we
say that instinct is a
kind of intelligence,
while others say that is
intelligence with no
reasoning. Fact is that
many times it is
difficult to set a clear
definition between
instinct and
intelligence, a fine
line to walk.
8. Intelligence and
instinct – and this is
the common opinion – are
manifestations of the
same spiritual
principle, obeying two
different masters or two
different engines: one
linked to the individual
and his freedom, and
another one completely
different. In this
sense, we can perfectly
distinguish acts which
depend on intelligence
from the ones of
Intelligent acts get
better with the time
9. Being intelligence,
in its plenitude, the
faculty of thinking and
acting rationally and
intelligent acts are on
purpose, volunteer, free
and calculated. They
are, besides,
susceptible to
variations, because
intelligence, variable
and individual, is
susceptible to progress.
Intelligent acts happen
from learning and from
learning they get
better, which does not
happen to instincts.
10. Let’s see the
example of the duck: as
soon as he breaks the
egg shell in which he
was in, he sees a lake
or creek, runs towards
it and ends up in the
water, swimming
immediately perfectly.
Where has the duck
learned to swim?
They are also
instinctive the acts by
the beaver, which builds
his house with earth,
water and branches of
trees; the act of the
birds, which build their
nests perfectly; the
spider, who waves its
cobweb precisely. We can
see some characters of
instinct: it is
something inborn,
perfect and specific, it
means, it happens
spontaneously, with no
previous learning, in
all the individuals of
the same species and
leads to complete acts,
finished, perfect, since
the very first time.
11. We verify, however,
these acts keep
happening with no
changes. This capacity
to swim, build, wave
does not suffer
variations through the
times, so the same way
the beaver built his
house like his ancestor
did, the same will apply
to this beaver’s
descendents. As for the
men, on the contrary, it
is evident the evolution
in the way and usage of
the tools, because they
come from intelligent
acts, subjected to will
and freedom, variable
according to
circumstances, which is
a characteristic of
intelligent acts.
12. Man also owes his
conservation and
maintenance to
instinctive acts, and
not only the intelligent
ones. We remember what
happens in the first
days after the birth of
a kid, which, the same
way goes with the babies
of the mammals, sucking
the maternal milk,
without previous
knowledge. Bloodstream,
the digestive system and
so many other functions
in the human being are
also result of the force
of instinct.
Answer Key
1. What is intelligence?
A.: Intelligence is an
essential attribute of
the Spirit, in which he
acknowledges its own
existence and exercises
volunteer and free
activities. When the
Spirit reaches the
degree of humanization,
its intelligence
acquires higher
development, as the
beginning of reason and
moral sense, which
enable him the capacity
to conceive the
existence of God.
2. Can we say that the
man has a double nature?
A.: Yes. Don’t forget
that there is a soul
united to the body of
man and only to it they
owe their intelligence
and rationality, their
knowledge and feelings,
as well as their will
and freedom.
3. What are instinctive
A.: There are, however,
beings that accomplish
facts in which a clear
definition is also
showed, but they seem to
obey automatisms rather
than free-will. Such
acts happen mainly
because of the
conservation of the
individual and the
species, aiming the
focus of eating and
reproduction, providing
for growth, development
and spreading, after
all, in the plenitude of
4. What is the
difference between
instinctive acts and
intelligent ones?
A.: Being intelligence,
in its plenitude, the
faculties of thinking
and acting rationally
and deliberately,
intelligent acts are on
purpose, volunteer, free
and calculated. They
are, besides,
susceptible to
variations, because
intelligence, variable
and individual, is
susceptible to progress.
Intelligent acts happen
from learning and from
learning they get
better, which does not
happen to instincts.
5. Is it right to say
that animals owe their
lives to instinct and
man lives thanks to
intelligence? A.:
No. Man also owes his
conservation and
maintenance to
instinctive acts, and
not only the intelligent
ones. We remember what
happens in the first
days after the birth of
a kid, which, the same
way goes with the babies
of the mammals, sucking
the maternal milk,
without previous
knowledge. Bloodstream,
the digestive system and
so many other functions
in the human being are
also result of the force
of instinct.