4. Does Spiritism, when
it teaches the Law which
regulates the successive
lives, also support the
doctrine of
5. In what moment and
condition does the soul
enter in the so-called
period of humanity, in
which it passes to
incarnate in the human
The unicity of
existences is unjust and
1. Reincarnation is
based on the principles
of mercy and justice of
divine mercy
because, as well as the
good father always leave
a door open for his
faulty kids, allowing
them the rehabilitation,
also God – through
successive lives – gives
the opportunity for men
to correct themselves,
evolve and deserve the
sheer enjoyment of a
everlasting happiness.
divine justice
because the mistakes
made and evil inflicted
on their fellows must be
repaired in new
existences, in order to,
experiencing the same
sufferings, men can pay
his debts and conquer,
then, the right to be
2. The unicity of
existences is unjust and
illogical, since it does
not match the wise laws
of spiritual progress:
It is
because a great deal of
human mistakes result
from ignorance and, in a
sole existence, it is
not possible pay for our
mistakes, mainly when we
regret on the verge of
death. It is needed to
give opportunities to
the repentant, so that
he proves his sincerity
through necessary
It is
because it cannot
explain the glaring
differences among
aptitudes of human
creatures since
childhood, the inborn
ideas and the early
instincts, good or evil,
regardless of the
environment where the
child was born.
3. The reincarnations
represent for the
imperfect creatures
valuable opportunities
of probation and
spiritual progress.
4. Rejecting the
doctrine of
reincarnation, we would
pointlessly ask why some
men possess talent,
noble feelings, elevated
aspirations, while
others only had interest
for nonsense, earthly
passions and instincts.
Reincarnation helps us
understand the social
5. The influence of the
environment, heredity,
the differences of
education – as everybody
knows – are not enough
to explain these and
other anomalies that we
see in the social
context, since we have
seen members of the same
related to the flesh and
blood, and raised by the
same principles, being
so different in various
6. Famous personages
have descended from
obscure parents deprived
from moral values, and
vice-versa, it means,
entirely deprived
children being born from
honored and respectable
7. Why to some fortune,
constant happiness, and
for others misery,
inevitable disgrace? Why
to some strength,
health, beauty, while to
others disease and
animosity? Why
intelligence and the
genius here, and the
imbecility there? Why
are there so many races?
Some are so primitive
that are closer to
bestiality than
humanity! Why do are
people born sick, blind,
mentally challenged,
physically or morally
impaired, which seem to
challenge the wisdom of
God? Why do some die
while babies, others in
young age, and many when
they are old? Where do
wonder kids come from,
while there are those
who do not leave
mediocrity not even when
they become adults?
8. Questions like these
can be multiplied to the
infinity, dealing not
only our current
situation, but also the
past and what waits for
us in the future. Not
accepting reincarnation,
it is not possible to
understand, for example,
what future will be
waiting for a cannibal
as soon as he dies. If
he goes to heaven, what
will he do there? If
convicted to hell, why
to apply such a harsh
punishment to such a
primitive being? What
about babies, where will
they go after the
corporeal death? Will
they grow in their new
home? Will they learn to
read, progress, or they
will remain as babies
Metempsychosis is a
mistake not accepted by
9. Reincarnation is the
instrument in which the
Creator gives us to
reach our evolution, our
individual progress and
the world’s. We should
not, however, make a
confusion with
metempsychosis, because
the reincarnation of the
human creature can only
happen in the human
species, while the
doctrine of
metempsychosis, whose
Spiritism by no means
accept that, admits the
regress, it means, the
incarnation of a human
soul in animal bodies
and vice-versa.
10. The Spiritist
Doctrine is, about this
subject, quite precise:
man can remain
stationary, but never go
back in his journey
towards perfection. The
doctrine of
reincarnation, taught by
Spiritism, is founded in
the ascending journey of
Nature and the progress
of man, in his own
species. He may, in a
future existence, be
born in a humble
environment, poor, less
gifted of material
resources, but he is
still himself, with the
intelligence and virtues
acquired along the time
by his Spirit.
11. The doctrine of
metempsychosis, despite
being a mistake, has its
origins in a real fact,
which is the transition
of the soul, in its
evolutional process,
through the inferior
kingdoms of Nature. In
this process, the human
soul has already passed
through the animal
kingdom, but will not go
back anymore, because
now it is part of
Humanity – the so-called
man race – and there is
no possibility to
reincarnate in bodies of
creatures that belong to
inferior kingdoms.
12. The Spirit only gets
to period of humanity
after being elaborated
and individualized in
the diverse degrees of
the inferior beings of
Creation, as it is
taught by Kardec,
Delanne and André Luiz.
(Read about this
subject in the book
“Evolution in Two
Worlds”, by André Luiz,
psychographed by
Francisco Cândido Xavier
and Waldo Vieira, as
well as “The Spiritual
Evolution”, by Gabriel