Although it has been part of
the Human history for ages,
just with the advent of
Spiritism that the
mediumship has become
popular in our world, as
shows this week’s editorial,
entitled What can’t be
missed in the practice of
Spiritist since he was born,
the speaker and writer
Francisco Gabilan, from
Santana de Parnaíba (SP),
talks about his books and
many subjects related to his
journey in the Spiritist
Movement. Lawyer, Gabilan
says that is necessary to
act with good faith in the
business relationships not
to practice any act that may
either maculate the
conscience or violate the
Spiritist principles based
on the Jesus’ impeccable
moral. The interview,
conceded to the editor Orson
Peter Carrara, is one of the
headlines in this issue.
Another headline in this
edition is the special
report in which the confrere
Washington Luiz N. Fernandes,
from São Paulo (SP),
continuing with the thematic
and stylistic analysis of
Divaldo Franco’s books,
examines parts of the
psychographic work of the
disincarnated authors Vianna
de Carvalho, Victor Hugo and
Joanna de Ângelis.
Founded on 15th August 1952,
the Mansion of the Path,
from Salvador (BA), has
celebrated 57 years of
useful work, as presents the
special report, which also
constitutes another headline
in this edition.
It was in 1886, in a day
just like today – 16th
August – that Adolfo Bezerra
de Menezes publicly
announced, for the first
time, his adhesion to
Spiritism. Considered by
many people the
Brazilizan Kardec,
Bezerra de Menezes would
become the most important
personality of the Brazilian
Spiritist Movement since
then, a title that persists
several years later after
his passing through our