family, but was
never satisfied
with evasive
answers. Once
day, his father
gave him a copy
of the spiritist
“Reformador”, the greatest
treasure he has
according to him.
Sebastião de
Lima has
dedicated the
majority of his
life to the
Although retired
due to a visual
disability and
been able to
study until the
Sebastiao is a
speaker that
makes about 360
speeches a year
in Brazil. He
follows his
inspiration to
develop his
doctrinary work.
He has three
children and has
launched the
book Existe algo
Além, published
by Mythos, which
talks about the
losses of pride,
the delusions of
jealousy and the
blessings of
In a recent
meeting he has
given us the
O Consolador: How did you get
to know the
Doctrine and
I had the first
contact with the
Doctrine when I
was between 9
and 10 years old,
and several
contributed for
this to happen.
I used to live
in a farm, with
no TV and it was
a family
tradition to sit
together and
chat. The
favorit topic
was ghosts and
hauntings, and I
used to asked my
father why
people die and
come back to
haunt other
people. He gave
me several
publications to
read which never
satisfied my
questions until
he gave me the
magazine, where
I found the
answers and
learned that we
do not die, we
survive death. I
had contact with
folk healers
that cured
people and also
freed crops from
pests; I used to
see people that
nobody else
could; therefore
I had contact
with Spiritism
since my
O Consolador: How did you
become a
speaker? When
did you start
giving lectures?
I cannot tell
how it started,
just know that
the facts led me
to this. When I
was 17 I have
attended to a
wedding and
people asked me
to make a speech
to the bride and
groom. After the
speech I
received many
hugs and
compliments. And
that's how it
Whenever there
was a wedding,
baptism or
funerals, they
asked me to make
a speech. I have
been doing this
for over 60
years, but I
started to give
lectures in the
Centres as from
O Consolador: During the
lecture, how do
you feel the
I naturally feel
the spirit’s
influence. I am
sure that when I
describe the
facts, the words
as if someone
was anticipating
the outcome of
what was being
taught and what
I should say,
since I have a
very simple
vocabulary. For
example: 2 years
after my son
Saulo passed
away, I was
delivering a
lecture about
the dettachment
law and I knew
that at a
certain stage
there would be a
word difficult
for me to
pronounce. When
the world
came to my mind,
I tried to
pronouce it four
times with no
success, then I
saw my son Saulo
and his friends.
Saulo was
laughing when he
nudged the arm
of one of his
friends and said:
- My father
cannot pronounce
usufructuary -
and everybody
laughed as well.
Things come to
my mind in a
natural way. I
hear a gentle
voice deep
inside telling
me the words, I
completely trust
my spiritual
friends and
always bear in
mind that I did
my best.
O Consolador: How does it feel
when you have
the situation
where you can
make a poem out
of a word given
by the public?
Many say I am
improvising, but
nothing is mine,
because the
spirits know how
to do things. I
feel it, and I
trust them
Sometimes I do
not know what
I'm talking
about but the
Spiritis know,
therefore we
always get it
right in the
O Consolador:
How did your
public react
when you
launched the
This is not my
concern because
any work on
behalf of the
anything good
that happens is
for the
Doctrine and not
for me.
Cumpliments are
not for me, but
for the Doctrine;
I am what I am
because of the
Doctrine. I owe
everything I am
to the Spiritist
Doctrine and
good things
always happen
because of the
O Consolador:
How do you feel
the public
vibration during
the lectures?
Wonderfully. I
feel the
vibration in a
spectacular way.
Again, it is not
for me, because
I do not speak
about anything
that I have but
the Gospel of
Jesus, because
people are in
need of a word.
If you add your
own things to
the speech and
one day you are
feeling sad or
low, you will
pass this to the
public. When you
talk about the
Gospel you may
have your soul
in pain, as I
had mine during
my son’s
funeral, but I
did not pass my
pain because I
was talking
about the Gospel.
I understand
people because I
am always
amongst them, I
speak their
language, I take
their best and I
also give them
my best.
O Consolador:
Which aspect of
the Spiritist
Doctrine you
like the most?
The world
spiritism is a
world without
sun, the world
without the
spirits would be
in complete
darkness. The
world will be a
bad place until
it takes the
decision to
itself. Every
time people
choose a
whatever it is,
and put their
the heart to it,
they enlight the
world, as Jesus
once said: "You
are the light of
the world." "You
are the salt of
the earth," and
so we will
experience the
Doctrine of the
Spirits, as
there is no
withouth the
soul, because
the body does
not need
religion, but
the soul, which
is immortal. The
body is just a
tool, such as a
school uniform,
but the spirit
will continue
forever, with
the need of
itself. The body
came from dust
and to dust it
will return. One
of the most
aspects of
Spiritism is
because without
it there wouldn’t
be divine
O Consolador:
How do you see
the difficulties
faced by the
human beings?
At the moment I
see the world
like the Babel
tower. Everyone
wants to go to
heaven, but do
not know how. I
understand that,
as it is written
on the Brazilian
flag "Order and
Progress", for
the world to
progress there
must be order
and organization,
Jesus id in
command and we
shall obey. In a
large scale we
have the planets,
then the
continents and
nations such as
Brazil. In
Brazil there are
families and
within a family,
each of us. I
must not wait
for laws and
decrees to know
what is right or
wrong. To be
good, to have
order, respect,
I have to do to
others what I
learned. If it's
good for me, is
good for others.
When the
humanity thinks
like that, the
world will be
O Consolador:
In your oppinion,
what is the
challenge of the
human race?
It is to expel
the evil and
because when
someone is
ignorant, it
becomes also
proud, arrogant,
jealous and
selfish. All
these diseases
bring chaos to
society. The
greatest dangers
are not the wars,
epidemics or
hunger, but the
fatigue of the
good people, of
those who do not
use what they
already know,
because the good
always wins. Be
honest, decent,
polite, this is
what will bring
the world
O Consolador:
According to
your experience,
what can be
learned from the
variety of
institutions and
inspired by the
I learned that
if I lock the
little knowledge
I have in a box,
I will only have
that amount. If
you have some
seeds and do not
plant them, you
will not reap. I
think it is
important to
take the little
I know to
different places,
it is like I am
planting seeds,
which will be
reaped by others.
O Consolador:
Is there
anything else
you would like
to say?
I hope, even
though it may
take centuries,
that I continue
to have the
possibility of
even if a little,
to develop the
around me. As I
said I do not
believe in death.
I'll soon be 66
years old and I
know that I can
return to the
Spirit’s world
at anytime, but
I will always
continue this
project because
it reminds me of
someone that
came and spoke
about great
things, but was
and crucified. I
do not desire
that a person
remains in the
dark after
hearing the
Gospel through
me or any other
people. My only
wish is humanity
to be happy,
this will make
me happy since I
am part of it,
the Spiritist
Doctrine taught
me that. I do
not believe that
God created the
world for people
to be unhappy,
and I do not
believe that He
has placed me in
this world to
complain about
it, the main
reason to be
alive is to sow
the good.
I wish the world
to be in peace.
For me the
material gains
depend heavily
on the spiritual
values, as you
may have many
possessions but
not value
yourself, which
will for sure
lead you to
bankrupcy. |