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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 4 - N° 180 – October 17, 2010
Santo Ângelo, Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil)
Leonardo Rocha - l.rocha1989@gmail.com

Jason de Camargo: 

“Improving human values is crucial for the spiritual development of society”

The experienced director of spiritist institutions, former president of the Spiritist Federation of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, in the south of Brazil, Jason de Camargo talks about the need to educate our feelings – the theme of one of the books he has written.

O Consolador: When did you come into contact with Spiritism? 

I was born in a spiritist family. My father was the director of a Spiritist Centre.

O Consolador: What is the Spiritist Centre you are linked to and what

tasks have you carried out? 

I was born in the town of Frederico Westphalen, in Rio Grande do Sul, and live now in the state capital, Porto Alegre. The Spiritist Centre I’m attached to is called Caminho da Luz (Path to Light). I am a member of the board of the directors and of the group of public speakers. At the moment, I’m also writing a new book. 

O Consolador: In your lectures, do you still talk about the need to educate your feelings? What do you aim to achieve in your lectures? 

Yes, I keep on talking about that in lectures across the country. My goal is to help people change the patterns of behaviour that have made them unhappy for so long and have brought about endless pain and suffering. 

O Consolador: What lessons have you learned from those events? 

I notice there is great acceptance to the theme, as it speaks to a theme so close to people’s hearts. The biggest benefit we can get from those studies is to learn a great deal more about how our emotions and feelings work. That will give us greater awareness about what we do and how we feel. Conscience is the real force behind our decision to change.  

O Consolador: You have a history in the Spiritist Movement of vigorous work teaching the Doctrine, in public speeches, lectures and other events. What is your main motivation? 

Each person comes to this world with their own duties, from other incarnations. Each one is expected to work in a particular field. In my case, I have always worked in administration and in teaching. Little by little, and with the guidance of our spiritual benefactors, I was alerted to the need to develop and to begin giving public lectures and seminars. I try to carry out my duties with love in my heart and according to my capabilities. 

O Consolador: You have published several articles on Spiritism. What books have you published? 

As a Chemistry professor and forensic expert, I have published two books on Chemistry. I have also written two books on Spiritism. One is titled Educação dos Sentimentos (Educating your Feelings) and the other one is about the great medium and public speaker, Divaldo Franco. It’s titled Divaldo Franco – A História de um Humanista (The History of a Humanist.) I gave away the copyrights to both books and therefore am not aware of how many copies have been printed or sold. 

O Consolador: What has been the feedback and reaction to your book, Educating your Feelings? 

It’s been much more positive than I could ever have expected, which comes to show the relevance of the theme to so many people. Wherever I go, people make reference to parts of the book. That is evidence that it has had a positive impact across Brazil. And I could say the impact goes beyond the borders of Brazil, as the book is now in its second edition in Spanish. I often receive messages saying that the book has been the subject of studies and mentioned in lectures in many Spiritist Centres across Brazil and in other South American countries.  

O Consolador: How important is it for spiritists and particularly those who provide assistance in Spiritist Centres to be able to educate and discipline their feelings? 

First and foremost, we must highlight that the education of feelings is a frequent issue in the basic works of the Spiritist Doctrine. Improving human values is crucial for the spiritual development of society and spiritists and their organisations should not stay away from that. Spiritists have been taught and should be able to understand how their own evolution process, and that of others, works. They have a commitment to that process. Our institutions should provide a good environment for the establishment of productive social relations for the common good. How can you expect a Spiritst Centre to improve, to get better, if their workers are not committed to their own development? And how can you expect someone providing help and assistance to be closer to spiritual matters without education his or her feelings? Moral education has a positive impact on spiritist institutions. Everything improves for everyone – from interpersonal relations and management issues to the capability of receiving spiritual help. Every one will benefit. 

O Consolador: Based on your experience, what advice could you offer in order to to improve how the Spiritist Movement works? 

It’s time to live in practice what we have learned in theory. “Go and learn” is one of our mottos. We’ve done well there. There’s room for improvement in “love one another.” We need to understand that the union of spiritists for a common goal will only work if we are moved by the noblest feelings. We need to improve the “vibrational field” of Spiritist Institutions and for that we do really need to love one another. How many petty debates could be avoided if we followed the sublime teaching, “love one another?” So I think we need to do more on keeping harmony, peace and other spiritual values in our institutions so that we can all achieve our goals and fulfil our obligations. 

O Consolador: How is the Spiritist Movement doing in your state, Rio Grande do Sul? 

Since the Brazilian Spiritist Federation adopted its standard method for teaching the Doctrine – the Systemised Study of the Spiritist Doctrine, or ESDE – the Spiritist Movement in Brazil has found a new direction, with a much stronger basis. The various state Federations got better in sharing their experiences and that had trickled down the system and had a positive impact in Spiritist Centres and the communities around them. But there is still room for improvement. Spiritist Centres need to have a closer interaction with their Federations and we need better media and public relations departments. 

O Consolador: Is Spiritism growing in Brazil? What is your opinion? 

Yes, there’s increasing interest for the principles and basic ideas of Spiritism. More than 50% of people in Brazil now believe in reincarnation and a great proportion of the Brazilian people already accept that spirits can communicate with us. Many of those people don’t define themselves as spiritists, but they accept the main principles of the Doctrine. Allan Kardec himself used to say that in the future people of other religious faiths would come to accept the teachings of Spiritism. The truth will only spread and be accepted in all corners of our planet. But with the growth in the number of followers, our responsibilities grow too. 

O Consolador: How do you see the various events to mark the centenary of the great medium, Chico Xavier, with the publication of a number of books and the release of spiritist films in the cinemas? 

First of all, we must say the Chico Xavier played a crucial role with his mediumship, by bringing to us the works that complemented the original teachings of the Spiritist Doctrine. And he carried out his mission in a dignified manner, with an unblemished moral conduct. Allan Kardec used to say that a missionary is not someone who is given a mission, but rather someone who carries it out with success. That was the case of Chico Xavier. What we have been seeing is a tribute to a man who brought enlightenment to the whole human society, through his discipline, knowledge and love. The communication with the Spiritual World is a blessing for the society when it is properly used. The release of films and all the tribute paid to Chico Xavier provide another opportunity to make more people aware of the message of Spiritism. It’s a message of comfort and knowledge which is badly needed by human beings of our ages. I prefer to overlook the profit-orientated aspect of it all and focus on the great social and spiritual impact the events will have. 

O Consolador: What lesson from the life of Chico Xavier meant the most to you? 

I went to Uberaba twice and admired him for his endless patience and humility. Chico Xavier didn’t help only the incarnated. I saw his spirit also during his sleep assisting a huge number of people, many of the spiritists. I will never forget when he gave me a piece of paper with the following words: “Be His.” In other words, let us be servants of Jesus. I keep that piece of paper with me to this date, because Jesus is our model and guidance. We must love him and follow his teachings. The other wonderful lesson Chico Xavier taught us in his daily life was to live with “only the necessary”, as he used to say, only what you really need, no extra material luxuries. 

O Consolador: Your final words… 

Spiritists, like all the other people on this planet, are going through a journey of improvement. Therefore we must work as hard as we can towards the common good, as that is the only way to achieve the spiritual well-being we all long for.  



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