The level reached by the French spiritual
Article published prominently in the 197 edition of this magazine, the article “The effects of eclecticism and heterodoxy in French Spiritual movement”, from the colleague Arthur Philip A. Ferreira, it was very well received by our readers.
There was no previous subject that receives many support expressions, as it can be seen in the sight of letters published in our last issue, the reader can see by clicking this link:
In truth, there was a dissenting voice coming from one of our colleagues from England, in relation to the thesis of the article.
According to his view, the French Spiritual movement was not disfigures, whereas he recognized that as it happened in England, it did not grow up and it is currently developing further within the Brazilian community, a fact that occurs in several European countries.
Note the reader that this exception only confirms the thesis outlined in the journal.
In it, the author is not referring to the current spiritual movement on earth, where Kardec was born. He refers to the fact – that is unquestionable – the no-growth and the disappearance of spiritual institutions that at Kardec’s time he used to meet 300, 400 people to hear him, and where regular spiritists were counted in large numbers. It is enough to read Spiritist Magazine from 1858 to 1869 to assess the exuberance that existed in France at that time, comparing it with what exists today.
Of course, we believe that there have been other reasons for this fact, as it mentioned on two occasions in this magazine.
The first time that it has been shown here was in our second edition, in an interview given to us by Divaldo Franco, it is available at
Featuring some extract from the interview quoted below, which it reproduces two questions posed by Andre Luiz in the book “Brothers of Other Lands”, a psychographed work by the mediums Francisco Cândido Xavier and Waldo Vieira (FEB, 1966, chapter 31), and the answers given to them by Gabriela Delanne (Spirit) and Divaldo Franco:
“André Luiz: What do you tell us about Spiritism in France?
Gabriel Delanne: It is not fair to say that there is achieved an ideal level…
Divaldo Franco: After the resounding success of the World Congress of Spiritualism, which it took place in Paris, from 2 to 5 October 2004 on the occasion of Allan Kardec’s bicentenary birthday, Spiritism in France had experienced with a bolder step. Nonetheless, as the noble spirit Gabriel Delanne asserts, it has not yet reached the optimum level.
André: When it comes to the birthplace of Allan Kardec, is it permitted to us inquire the reason for it?
Delanne: We cannot forget that France suffered in the last century the burden of three major wars imposed on it terrible sufferings and trials.
Divaldo: Currently, the difficult injunctions that Europe has been living, it has hampered the expansion of the Spiritist Doctrine. Not only in France but also in several other nations, which are committed to materialism in its triple aspects: scientific, philosophical and dialectical. Nevertheless, there are true missionaries who are reincarnated in France and in other countries, which have been developing, with herculean efforts, outreach programs of the Spiritist Doctrine, aimed at better future of humankind.
Back again to the editorial of issue 181, titled “Why has it weakened the spiritual movement in France?” - in which we reproduce again the explanations given by Delanne, which seem very clear and it can certainly apply to what occurred in England and Germany. Both countries involved in large-scale military conflicts, whose effects on the propagation of the Christian religion are quite notorious.
Indeed, it was not only the spirit that faded in these countries, but Christianity itself, which in Europe has not the strength of previous seasons.
The important item in the article of our colleague Arthur Felipe Ferreira is not however, only the French question, but the occurrence of similar problems that exist in our country and again we must resort to Delanne and Divaldo, which answers are described below, listed in interview mentioned, it should be for everyone, an important signal that we must do:
“André: Where are the biggest setbacks for the expansion of Spiritism?
Delanne: In our opinion, the greatest embarrassment to the Spiritism proceeds is from the work of those who reincarnate, promising to serve it, directly through or indirect mediumship, in the intelligence field and inspiration, and it has gone astray in the seductions of the physical realm, becoming an authentic mediums of the lower regions, since it does not deny the truths of Spiritism, but it is ready to ridicule them, through sarcastic writing or histrionic art; from which we find the unproductive phenomenal statements, fantastic stories, depressing anecdotes and horror movies…
Divaldo: In addition to these mediums who voluntarily allow themselves to be dominated by the interference of evil entities, we also find that ones who promise to serve the Spiritism, but they are serving in order to project the image, they believe they are apostles and missionaries of the New Age, without the fulfillment of their imperfections, always adept at criticism of their companions, while superficial, careless of the following surveillance around the spiritual needs of patients who they are.”