Abortion, a threat to
life ever closer
What it was mere suspicion has became, as of last week, a real possibility, in view of what was proposed to Congress by the committee responsible for legal reform of the Penal Code. The legitimization of abortion across the board is one step away from being authorized by law, in flagrant disregard of the Constitution of Brazil.
Life is, as we know, a right protected by the Constitution. The Criminal Code - a lesser law - cannot change a foundation established in the higher law. The Penal Code in force in Brazil only allows termination of pregnancy in two cases: rape or risk of death of the mother. Deciding so alien to the Code and the Constitution, the Supreme Court approved the practice of abortion in one case: the abortion of said anencephalic fetuses.
In the proposal sent to Congress, two new hypotheses will be addressed with the complacency of the law, if they are approved:
a) if it is proven anencephaly or when the fetus suffers from serious and incurable defects that cannot be extra uterine life, in either case attested by two physicians;
b) by the will of the pregnant woman, until the twelfth week of gestation when the physician or psychologist sees that the woman is not able to cope with psychological motherhood.
At the beginning of the 1960s came the birth control pill, it was asked to Chico Xavier what he thought of what was then a novelty. The late psychic said the pill was a lesser evil than would, however, to avoid a greater evil, namely, abortion.
There are within medicine a number of features available in all places that enable a couple to avoid the coming of a non-desired son.
Now if a woman does not have "psychological conditions" to cope with motherhood, why not adopt the measures indicates in her case? Pill, condom, IUD, vasectomy ... – Does woman or man of our time ignore such things?
The late medium Chico Xavier, whose thoughtfulness and wisdom in all that he said are well known, appeared several times on the subject.
In two of his manifestations, he alluded to contraception as a preventive measure and, therefore, as an alternative to abortion.
Here is the first that we can check by reading an interview granted by him and published in the "Spiritist Sheet" November 1988:
"In China is already being used a drug that causes abortion, when taken in the first weeks, without the need for surgical intervention. What do you think of it?
Chico Xavier: - Whenever I make any reference to abortion, I remind of the utility of contraception as part of emergency needs of the couple.
The two creatures want the union, but are not able to realize this ideal, in which case the contraception would come to their aid.
If my mother when pregnant with me, full of diseases, wanted to expel me, I do not know what would become of me. If there is a contraceptive, for which will we promote the killing of unborn creatures or training?
With a land so vast to be drawn and utilized, it is impossible to applaud abortion. We can only understand the therapeutic abortion when maternal life is threatened. I remember my mother, suffering because of me and I cannot applaud."
This is the second, we collected in the book "Chico Xavier - Mandate of Love," edited by Spiritist Union Mining:
"Chico, what do you think about abortion?
Chico Xavier: - Abortion is always unfortunate, because now we are on Earth with elements contraceptive gentle application, understandable and humanitarian, why should we create the killing of defenseless children, with absolute impunity, within the walls of our homes?
This is a very serious offense against the Divine Providence, because life is not ours but to the divine power.
If the creatures are in need of sexual intercourse for the revitalization of their own forces, which we find very fair, it would be better if they did it with not alarm or no spiritual or psychological injury to anyone. If the pill has favored this movement of the creatures, why should we legalize or encourage abortion?
On the other hand, we can analyze if our mothers had the purpose of creating a law on abortion in the last century or the beginning and middle of this century, we would not be here."