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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 6 - N° 287 – November 18, 2012

Johnny Silveira - silveirajohnny@yahoo.com




At school, the students were preparing for a party in which there would be a competition between various groups. Through a draw, principal Amelia established the groups and their various tasks.

All families were invited. Once the tasks were completed, the winning team would receive a trophy and then a delicious lunch, prepared by the mothers and fathers of the students.

Assigned the teams, soon cliques were formed here and there. Each team met privately, remaining separate from the others, whispering and deciding how to act at the party.

Thus the teams separated themselves from their classmates, creating disunity in the classes.

On the eve of the great day, everyone was excited. Mothers prepared delicacies and fathers adorned the school.

The next morning, very early, they were all gathered at the school. At the time of starting the competition, the principal addressed the students wishing them success, and concluded:

- Dear students! It is important that you remember that in order to perform your tasks, you will have to work as a true team. Only then you will win. Good luck to all!

The teams presented themselves and the tournament was started. The first part of the tournament consisted of questions about knowledge on mathematics, Portuguese, history and geography; subjects in the school curriculum which the teams should answer.

The second part consisted of several practice tests, beginning with a relay race, in which the winner would be the team that came first.

The next part would be strength. The teams would have to carry a heavy weight from one place to another.

And in the last one, the teams should paint a wall without using a ladder.

Started the tournament, the teams presented themselves. In the ardour of dispute, many of them, instead of its members working together, wanted to stand out too much and ended up at loggerheads and fighting. Thus, making it more difficult to perform the tasks.

The last two races, in special, generated more problems due to their degree of difficulty.

However, Team Union, which formed was by Louie, John, Eileen, Paul and Robert, was the one that got the most points.

In the penultimate round, when they should move a large weight to a finish line, each team sought to find a way to accomplish the task. Some tried to push it but without result; another team thought that by placing a rug under the weight they could drag it, but the components spent precious time looking for such a rug and, after finding it, they failed to put it under the weight, so they did not perform the task.

The ideal solution was Team Union's. Analysing the weight, they realized that there were some grooves that might help them. So, they decided to tie a rope around the weight and with all their combined efforts, they pulled it to the finish line.

It was a joy! Everyone cheered!

The last task was to paint the wall. In fact, each team should paint a piece, but starting from the top down and not counting with the aid of a ladder. The teams took broomsticks and tied brushes the tip, but could not get to the top of the wall. So they spent a lot of time and failed to perform the task.

The members of Team Union, who were very creative, seeing that the other teams could not accomplish the task, began to reflect and Louie found the ideal solution. He called his friends and told them what he intended to do. They unanimously approved!

So when it was their turn, they surprised everyone present.

The team members formed a human ladder, with Paul, the heaviest boy at the base, then Robert, who although thin was strong, up on his shoulders and at the top John, who was the lightest. On the ground, Louie and Eileen passed the can of paint and a brush with which John quickly painted the top. Then everything became easier and the job ended with the applause of all.

The members of Team Union embraced, celebrating the victory. The principal, before handing them the beautiful cup, said:

- My friends! Dear teachers, dear parents, dear students! Team Union won the contest by finishing

first! These students showed that, with creativity, they deserve this trophy. Congratulations Louie, John, Eileen, Paul and Robert!

Then principal Amelia asked the team's leader:

- Louie, to what do you attribute this amazing victory?

The boy thought a moment and replied:

- Without cooperation between the members of our team we would not have been able to win. The name was well chosen: Union

Everyone clapped enthusiastically. The members of the other teams lowered their heads, acknowledging that Louie was right.

Surely they would have other parties, other tournaments, but it would be forever in their hearts and minds that to succeed in life, it is necessary to work together, each member doing their part and cooperating to the end result, which would value all involved.

- Lunch is ready to be served with the cooperation of mothers and fathers! - Said one of the mothers, to the satisfaction of all who were hungry. And for the rest of the day, the students' families and teachers had a good time at school.


(Psychographed by Celia X. de Camargo on 05/11/2012.)


O Consolador
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