Why study André Luiz?
It was a surprise - pleasantly surprise, by the way - we received the news of the launch of a book that was missing in our midst: Roadmap Study of the Works of André Luiz (Roteiro de Estudos das Obras de André Luiz), authored by colleague Euripides Kühl, published by Good News of Catanduva SP. In it, the author focuses on the usual clarity 13 works that André Luiz wrote and it is part of André Luiz’s Collection: Life in the Spiritual World.
Relevant backstage to the planning of the works of André Luiz and its objectives became public when the BEF in 1986, published the book Testimonies of Chico Xavier, written by Suely Caldas Schubert. In this work, from p. 96, the author transcribes a letter dated October 12th, 1946, written by Chico Xavier to the president of the Brazilian Spiritist Federation. The chapter is entitled "Arrives André Luiz. - Details of 'Missionaries of Light' and Work of André Luiz".
We extract from the said letter the following excerpts:
I’ve noticed (...) Emmanuel, since late 1941, is dedicated affectionately to the works of André Luiz. By that time, he told me the purpose of "some spiritual authorities" who were willing to throw something in our environment, for the purposes of awakening. He told me that they projected to bring in pages that give us to know aspects of life that awaits us on the "other side", and since then, where I concentrated, I always saw that "spiritual gentleman", which later proved by André Luiz on side of Emmanuel. So nearly two years elapsed before the "Our Home".
Since then, I see that the effort of Emmanuel and other friends of ours focused on him, believing, intimately, that André Luiz is perhaps representing a circle of large upper bodies. So I say it because when I psychographed the "Missionaries of Light", there was a day when work was interrupted. It took several days stopped. Then Emmanuel informed me, when the work was reset, that some meetings for the examination of certain theses that André Luiz should or could present or not in the book had been made. Psychographing Reincarnation in the chapter of the same work for more than once, I saw Emmanuel and Bezerra de Menezes, associated with author, inspecting or steadying the work.
The light that sometimes surrounds me scares me. I see, hear, and move in the circle of this work, but believe that I always live with the anguish of those who feel unworthy and incapable. Every day that passes, the more I observe that light is light and my shadow is shadow. Recognizing my penury, I am afraid of so many responsibilities and beseech Jesus relieve me. (Testimonies of Chico Xavier, page 96 et seq.)
Years were raced and the name of André Luiz has established itself on the concept of those dedicated to the study and dissemination of Spiritism in Brazil, as evidenced by the results of the survey in early 2000 by Candeia Organizations, Catanduva, SP. The research objective was to define which were the top ten Spiritists books, published in the twentieth century. At the final list of the chosen books, as it was widely revealed, appeared three works of André Luiz: "Our Home", the most voted, "Evolution in Two Worlds" and "Missionaries of Light". Besides these, four psychographic works by Chico Xavier were also included among the ten most voted. (Readers can look into about the research clicking at http://www.candeia.com/sub/livrosdoseculo/ .)
To do the consultation, the Editorial Council of Candeia Organizations invited several scholars of Spiritism - countless writers, some leaders and presidents of all Federations and State Agencies that are part of the National Federative Council of the Brazilian Spiritist Federation. Each of them was asked a list of the ten best books, their authors, and if they thought necessary, personal comments and impressions about work. The research adhered to works whose first edition took place in the twentieth century in Brazil or other countries.
Participated in the research Adalgiza Campos Balieiro, Adelino da Silveira, Alexandre Sech, Alysson Leandro Mascaro, Amílcar Del Chiaro Filho, Ariston S. Telles, Armando Fernandes de Oliveira, Ary Lex, Carlos Brito Imbassahy, Celso de Almeida Afonso, César Soares dos Reis, Clayton B. Levy, Domério de Oliveira, Durval Ciamponi, Éder Fávaro, Eliseu F. Mota Jr., Felipe Antônio G. Macedo Salomão, Francisco Cajazeiras, Hércio M.C. Arantes, Humberto Carlos Pazian, Ivan Renê Franzolim, Juvanir Borges de Souza, Lamartine Palhano Júnior, Maria Gertrudes Coelho, Marilusa M. Vasconcellos, Nancy Puhlmann Di Girolamo, Nélson Moraes, Ney Lobo, Oneida Terra, Orson Peter Carrara, Ricardo Di Bernardi, Ricardo Magalhães, Rita Foelker, Roger Coelho, Saara Nousiainem, Suely Caldas Schubert, Telmo J. Souto Maior, Vítor Ronaldo Costa, Waldo Lima do Valle, Walter Oliveira Alves and Washington Luiz Nogueira Fernandes.
Not surprisingly, what Dr. Hernani Guimarães Andrade said about the contribution brought by André Luiz and his works:
“We understand that the works of André Luiz and Emmanuel are magnificent and wonderful updates of Spiritism." (Dialogues with Hernani Guimarães Andrade, book organized by Suzuko Hashizume and published by Didier; page 28)
"The works of André Luiz, psychographed by Francisco Cândido Xavier, will be in the future, subject of serious and effective study at major universities in the world and regarded as the most perfect information about the nature of man and his life after the death of the physical body." (Matter Psi, Hernani Guimarães Andrade, published by The Bugle; page 15.)