Nívea Guimarães de Freitas
Nasser talks to the magazine
“The candle and the bushel”
is the title of our
editorial, which emphasizes
the importance of spirit
propagation and it copies
the text where Emmanuel says
“Spiritism requests us a
kind of permanent charity –
the charity of their own
Founder and current
president of SODEC
(Christian Spiritism
Disclosing Society), Nívea
Guimarães de Freitas Nasser
talks about the origin of
the institution and she says
how she sees the spirit
literature in a whole and
reveals what pushed her to
organized and published the
book Fraternal Tickets.
The interview given is one
of this present edition
Another spot is the especial
written by our collaborator
Eugênia Pickina, titled “The
human being needs to be…”,
in which it weaves
considerations about
different ways and
conceptions of life that
people face daily problems
and lives’ challenges, in a
planet like ours, it brings
out all the time.
It happened last month in
Dublin, Ireland’s capital
city, three important spirit
events: 15ª International
Spirit Border Meeting –
European Coordinating Body,
3º Educators European
Meeting and the 1º Ireland
Spirit Child Meeting, as
Claudia Werdine shows in the
report which is also one of
our especial in this
At the beginning of July
1869 appeared in Bahia the
first Brazilian spirit
journal: The Eco from
Beyond. It was published
in Salvador by Luís Olímpio
Teles de Menezes, its first
edition came to public only
twelve years after the
launching of “The Spirits’
Book”, by Allan Kardec.
Being bimonthly and with 56
pages, the newspaper had got
to be distributed in New
York, London, Paris, Lyon,
Madrid, Barcelona, Seville,
Bologna and Catania.